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Jonelle Snow.

The arrow whizzed through the air, embedded into the target with a thumb, and the bastard heard the lioness give an enthusiastic cheer. It brought a smile to Jonelle's lips, and she glanced over her shoulder at the golden-haired beauty who had burrowed herself in Elle's heart this past fortnight since she'd driven off Pudding in the Wolfswood. As much as the Bastard of Winterfell loved every moment since that night, it was hard to look at Joanna without thinking about the inevitable conclusion of this visit—it was even more difficult to think of the goodbye.

That it was so similar to what had happened two years ago when Lord Bronze Yohn Royce guested at Winterfell only served to dampen her mood more. Jonelle did not want another "girl in the godswood," she didn't want to be hurt like that again. It had taken her two years to even consider the possibility of letting go of her blue-eyed angel, who'd been there during the darkest time of Jonelle's life. If something like that happened with Joanna...

It would be too much for the bastard to bear.

"You're staring. You only stare when you're thinking," Joanna pointed out. It still surprised Jonelle how easily she was able to be read by the lioness. "I'm always happy to listen to the things that that brilliant mind of yours thinks up." She smiled and laid her stitches down on her lap, leaning forward just enough to give Jonelle a view down her dress. That was something the bastard had noticed about Joanna Lannister—she enjoyed flustering the Bastard of Winterfell.

Jonelle averted her gaze and drew another arrow from her quiver. "I'm plotting the downfall of mosquitoes," she gave back dryly, nocking the arrow and drawing the bowstring back until it brushed against her cheek. She fired it, followed its trajectory with her eyes, and clicked her tongue when she realised it would hit off-centre. It did, right beside the six that had struck the centre. "You're throwing me off my game, Anna."

"You missed," Joanna observed, smiling softly. "I've never seen you miss. Now I know something's wrong. Please, do tell me." But it was much too embarrassing for the bastard to ever admit that she'd be heartbroken to see the lioness ride out through Winterfell's gates, so Jonelle kept silent and drew another arrow. "Don't you dare shut me out." Elle's tongue flicked out to wet her arid lips, and she turned her head away from the lioness.

"You'll think less of me if I tell you," Jonelle said. This arrow nearly missed the entire target, and the bastard tightened her jaw. "I... don't want you to think I'm a selfish little girl. Not you." Lowering her bow, the Bastard of Winterfell shook her head with a sigh. "No, don't get up. If you do that, I'm definitely going to tell you... Joanna, please." The lioness's soft hands held either side of her face, pulling her head down slightly so their foreheads touched.

"What's the matter, Jonelle?"

The bastard tightened her grip on her bow and searched the lioness's emerald eyes. "I don't want you to leave." The youngest of the Lannister siblings smiled at her, thumbs tracing the lines of Jonelle's cheekbones. "How awful am I? I want to lock you away and keep you all to myself." It infuriated her that her girlish little heart couldn't handle being left alone again, even after two years of convincing herself that she'd never need someone ever again.

"Have you ever heard of Jonquil Darke?" Joanna asked.

Forty-nine years after Aegon and his sisters conquered six of the seven kingdoms of Westeros, a test of arms forever remembered as the War for the White Cloaks was held at the Golden Wedding. A slender mystery knight they named the Serpent in Scarlet took part in the games, ultimately being defeated and unmasked, but not without becoming the favourite of many smallfolk who had watched on. Two years later, after an assassination attempt on Queen Alysanne Targaryen in the sacred waters known as Jonquil's Pool in Maidenpool, it was decided the queen needed a protector who could accompany her where men couldn't go. In time she became known as the Scarlet Shadow, so closely had she guarded her lady. The best part about that tale was that Jonquil Darke was also a bastard.

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