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The Barrowlands.

Joanna Lannister.

It was a warm day today—or about as warm as the north was willing to be. A wide plain spread out before them. She smiled as Jonelle pointed out the long, low hammocks relieving the flatness here and there, but Joanna couldn't peel her eyes off of the she-wolf long enough to admire the northern view. Perhaps a part of her hadn't comprehended the fact that gorgeous, breathtaking Jonelle Snow was sitting beside her on the chequered blanket adorned with cheeses and wines and with no one to bother them for miles in all directions. Perhaps some small part of her didn't think she'd ever be allowed to be as happy as she had been since the shadowcat had cornered her.

"You're staring," Jonelle smiled slightly. Joanna bit her lip and nodded. The she-wolf laughed softly, closing her purple eyes and tilting her head back as she leaned on the palms of her hands and basked in the afternoon sunlight. A flush dusted the lioness's cheeks as the sunlight caught the single streak of gold hidden within the pale silver of her hair. "I like it when you stare." Joanna wanted so badly to twirl that barely noticeable streak of gold around her finger. She bit her lip again and squeezed her fingers, too embarrassed to ask. A wide smile spread across her wolf's lips. "Go on."

"Oh, thank the gods," Joanna muttered and shuffled closer on her knees so she could play with Jonelle's hair. "Don't laugh at me." Indeed, the she-wolf had snickered as the lioness sat on her heels behind her. "I didn't tell you yet, but you're looking very pretty today." Embarrassed as she was, a wide grin graced her lips when the she-wolf leaned her head back against her bosom and looked up at her with those stunning violet eyes.

"I adore how embarrassed you are about things like this," she purred in that raspy voice Joanna loved. "I've seen you naked. How does that make you feel?" Very, very hot was the answer that the lioness refused to give. But Jonelle did not need to hear it to know—Joanna was horrible at keeping her thoughts from showing on her face. "Thank you. I've been dressing for you lately. Is that strange?" Joanna had noticed how the she-wolf had been wearing more things of the like that she'd been caught glancing at—fitted jerkins, snug trousers, high boots, thigh holsters...

Dark and dangerous and dashing.

"No, it's not strange," Joanna smiled bashfully as Jonelle slid down the blanket and laid her head on her thighs. Silent invitation acknowledged, the lioness massaged the she-wolf's scalp with her fingers. "And don't talk about seeing me naked." Her wolf looked up at her playfully, a lazy smile on her perfect lips. "Where's Ghost run off to?"

"T—" "Terrifying the villagers?" "...Hunting."

Joanna wrinkled her nose at the annoyed look on the she-wolf's face.

"Tell me some more about the Rock," Jonelle invited, and Joanna was more than happy to oblige. She told Elle about the enormous natural cavern reaching two hundred feet high on the south face called the Lion's Mouth; the overly massive vault containing the Lannister treasures dubbed the Golden Gallery for its walls that shimmered; the Hall of Heroes where the Lannisters who had died valiantly were interred, much like the crypts beneath Winterfell; and about the private beach she'd discovered while exploring the ancient mines when she was a little girl.

Jonelle's eyes never left her, and her lips were curled in a constant smile that periodically had Joanna stumbling over her words. "And—and, oh Others take you, stop looking at me like that," the lioness pouted. "I can't brag about home if I can't speak without tripping over myself, now can I?" A delighted smile broke across the she-wolf lips, and Joanna laughed in disbelief before bending down to kiss it, the gentlest peck that made her whine for more.

The she-wolf gave her a look of faux disdain after sitting up, then pulled Joanna sideways onto her lap. Yelping, she threw her arms around Jonelle's neck and blushed from the base of her neck to the roots of her hair. "Tease," Jonelle said, her voice a sensual pur that made Joanna shudder on her lap. "Didn't your aunt ever teach you not to feed wild animals? We learn to expect handouts, and if we don't get it..."

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