004, ''you're WHOSE daughter?''

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      The next morning, at Camp Half-Blood, was an important day for the campers. It was the day of capture the flag. Capture the flag was important to Kirra, it was her only chance every year to prove herself strong in her father's eyes. Even though it was clear Kirra was much more powerful than everyone else at camp, Zeus still acted as if she never existed. Sometimes Kirra even wonders, if it weren't for Thalia -- would he have even claimed her as his own?

      But, there Luke and Kirra were, showing Percy around the training area.

      "You're gonna love this. Camp-wide mock warfare, all glory to the victors," Luke said, as the trio walked down the pathway, next to many campers training for the big game later that day.

      "Yeah, and Annabeth's the head counselor of the Athena cabin. She's led our team to three straight wins," Kirra said, pushing a piece of her brown hair behind her ear.

      "It's been a long time since anyone's won a fourth," Luke added.

      "The girl that was with you in the bathroom?" Percy asked, to which Kirra nodded her head in agreement.

      "She said she'd been waiting for it to happen," Percy said, as the group stopped at the end of the trail. "What does that mean?"

      "Annabeth sees the world differently, always six steps ahead of everyone else," Luke said, turning around so he was now facing the two younger kids who stood side by side.

      "She's a weird one, but you should cut her some slack," Kirra said, looking at Percy with a soft smile.

      "Whose side are you guys on, anyway?" Percy asked, looking between the two of them.

      "Oh, hers, always. She's my little sister," Luke said instantly.

      "Okay... what about you, lightning girl?" Percy asked, turning his head towards Kirra, who met his gaze with furrowed brows. For a second, she thought she had told him about Zeus, but then instantly remembered that was the nickname Clarisse had given her the night before in the bathrooms.

      Luke looked confused as well, as he looked down at Kirra with the same confused expression she had on her face only seconds before. Kirra met him with a shrug, before looking back over to Percy, who was still waiting for her answer.

      "Oh -- uh, I love Annabeth, but I could care less, honestly," Kirra stated, sending Percy a short smile.

      "Maybe I should step back," Luke said, noticing the shift in the air as he was the only one fully taking Annabeth's side -- even if there wasn't really a side to take.

      After a bit, the three decided they would go get food before the big game started. This time, Kirra was sat next to Luke, and on the opposite end of the table, Percy sat away from the other two. Luke thought it would be a good idea to tell Percy how Kirra, Annabeth, and he got to Camp Half-Blood. Kirra reluctantly agreed, under one condition, he has to tell the story.

       Because, despite her efforts, she was never able to retell the entire story.

      "Before camp, I was on the road," Luke started, looking down at Kirra for approval before he continued. She sent him a small head nod in reassurance, before looking away.

      "Me and two forbidden kids I met along the way. Their names were Thalia, and... Kirra," Luke said, to which Percy's blue eyes immediately darted to Kirra, with a confused expression on his face.

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