002, not the best at... anything

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The next morning, Kirra was on her way to the Hermes cabin to 'hang out with Luke', but in the back of her mind, she knew the only reason she was going, was to see Percy. She honestly had no clue what made her so drawn to the boy, it was as if she was a magnet being pulled toward him.

However, by the time she reached the cabin, she saw Luke and Percy, along with a few other Hermes kids walking out of the cabin. Not even a few seconds later, the brunette's brows furrowed as she watched Clarisse -- a child of Ares -- bump into Percy forcefully, before turning around and shoving him straight to the ground.

Kirra immediately started walking faster, in order to push Clarisse off whatever high ground she thought she had over Percy. By the time she got into earshot, she was only able to pick up the last parts of Clarisse's sentence. "Look, you want attention around here, dummy? Better be ready for it when it comes,"

After she said that, Clarisse jokingly jumped toward Percy, making him flinch and step backward. While the Ares kids and Clarisse laughed, a specific brunette girl walked from around Percy, so she was now standing in front of him.

Everyone fell silent at the presence of Kirra -- everyone other than Clarrise. Though, Clarisse's laughter abruptly stopped as soon as she laid eyes on her.

"Don't you have.. better things to do?" Kirra asked, she shrugged her shoulders and pressed her lips together as if waiting for an answer, which she knew probably would never come.

Before Clarisse could even say anything, Kirra jumped towards Clarisse the same way she had done to Percy only seconds before. Clarisse, along with a few other Ares kids close to the brunette flinched, while everyone else let out small gasps -- everyone other the Percy and Luke, who were both smiling at Kirra -- Percy even almost let out a laugh.

"Yeah, bye," Kirra rolled her eyes, as she sarcastically waved at Clarisse and her minions, as she called them, as they all went walking off. Kirra then turned around, smiling at Luke, then over to Percy.

"Hey, Kie," Luke smiled, as he gave her a short side hug. Kirra gladly sank into Luke's arms for a second, before letting go. "Hey,"

"Well, she seems nice," Percy said sarcastically, pointing at Clarisse and the other Ares kids, as Kirra slightly backed away from Luke.

"Yeah, Ares kids.. they come by it honestly," Luke said, looking down at Percy, then over to Kirra.

"Why were they so scared of you?" Percy looked over at the shorter brunette girl, who slightly widened her eyes as she looked up at Luke, as a way of silently saying she didn't want to tell him yet. Not yet.

"They know better than to mess with her -- or, either of us, really," Luke said, narrowing an eye at Kirra as she glanced at Percy again.

"Luke's the strongest swordsman at camp," Chris Rodriguez -- Luke's brother said, looking down at Percy. Kirra laughed at that, looking up at Chris, "Last time I checked, I beat Luke 4 - 1, last week!"

"That doesn't even count," Luke joked, lightly pushing the girl's shoulder.

"So they leave you guys alone because.. 'glory'?" Percy asked, to which both silently nodded their heads in agreement. Though, Kirra never had to earn glory -- it just came with being a forbidden kid -- nonetheless, Zeus' children are the most powerful amongst all Demi-gods

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