003, percy blew up the bathroom (literally)

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After the welding incident, Luke, and Kirra showed Percy around camp, before they all met back up with Chris for lunch. Kirra had got the good laugh she was searching for after they left the welding station, and she was happy enough about that.

"Is there a Greek god of disappointment? Maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid," Percy asked, finally looking up from the food he had been dreading to eat for the past ten minutes.

Kirra looked over at Percy, shifting her attention towards him. She thought about the question for a second, but before she could answer -- Chris beat her to it. "Oizis... but she's a goddess,"

Both Kirra and Luke looked over at him, as a way of silently asking him 'Why did you tell him that?'

"-- And her whole thing isn't really disappointment, it's more like... failure," Chris continued, as Kirra looked away from him.

"We're gonna find the thing you're good at, I know it," Luke said, turning his attention back to Percy -- and Kirra nodded her head in agreement, even if she didn't truly believe that.

But, before Kirra could say something to the blonde, loud bell chimes filled the entire area. "Our turn," Luke said, as both he and Chris stood up, but Kirra stayed put on the bench.

"Our turn for what?" Percy asked as he looked up at Luke and Chris, before looking down at Kirra -- to which he quickly noticed wasn't going to get up.

"Burnt offerings," Kirra started dryly, as she looked into Percy's eyes -- before looking up at Luke. "The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer," Kirra continued, looking back down at Percy.

Percy furrowed his brows, as he made eye contact with the brunette girl. "They like the smell of burnt mac & cheese?" He asked, to which Luke let out a short laugh.

"No-- they like the smell of begging," Chris corrected, as he began walking away from the group with the plate of mac & cheese in his hands.

"You burn what you'll miss the most. Then they know you really mean what you're about to say, so they listen -- well some listen." Luke said, looking over at Kirra when he said the last part. Luke knew Kirra never made offers, because in her own words -- Zeus doesn't care enough to listen.

When Luke walked away, Percy's attention switched to Kirra, who was still sitting next to him on the bench, "You're not going?" Percy asked as he made eye contact with the brunette girl.

A soft smile painted on Kirras face as she looked over at Percy. "My dad doesn't care enough to listen to what I have to say," Kirra said as if it was obvious, but after looking at Percy's confused facial expression, she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Well, who's your dad?" Percy asked, his eyebrows furrowed with curiosity as he looked into her dark brown eyes.

"That's not really important--" Kirra said, darting her eyes away from his gaze. She couldn't tell him yet -- she didn't want to scare him away. Not yet.

"Yeah.. so I'm gonna go," Kirra said, as she got up from the bench, not even bothering to pick up the gross mac & cheese that was sitting on the table in front of her.

"Bye, Percy," Kirra said, before walking away from the blonde boy. Little did she know, the boy's eyes lingered on her way longer than they should have.

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