007, choices to make

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      Kirra and Percy came back from the Oracle and told Chiron their prophecy. Now that the Oracle had confirmed the quest, the two kids had to make their decisions on who they wanted to bring with them on the quest.

      Kirra stood next to Percy, Chiron, and Mr. D as a select few campers stood around them. Kirra had noticed Annabeth right away and already knew her choice. Annabeth had been waiting for this her whole life.

      "The Oracle has confirmed what we expected, that this quest will proceed toward the underworld, where you will confront the god who had rebelled against his brothers," Chiron started, telling Kirra and Percy, along with the other campers, what they may have to go through if they get picked for the quest.

      "Hades. The entrance to Hades' domain lies under the city of Los Angeles. This is where you two will journey too, time is short,"

      "I have selected our most compelling candidates, who which both of you will get to pick one to accompany you on this quest and ensure that we succeed," Chiron finished, Kirra didn't even bother to ponder on any other campers. The brunette girl locked eyes with Annabeth before she looked back at Percy, who was already looking at her. Percy gave her a slight nod as if silently agreeing Annabeth would be the best fit for the quest.

      "Annabeth," Kirra spoke, cutting off Chiron.

      "Customarily, one waits at least a name or two before choosing," Chiron lowered his voice, leaning down toward the kids.

      "Are you sure you don't want to hear more?"

      "We need to get my father's masterbolt back, right?" Kirra questioned Chiron.

      "Yes," Chiron said.

      "And it's going to be hard to get, yes?" Percy added, from beside Kirra.


      "...And if the quest called for someone to push one of us down the flight of stairs for the quest to succeed, you'd want someone who wouldn't hesitate when they do it," Percy finished, as he looked over at Kirra for some sort of confirmation.

      Chiron looked down at the two kids, nodding his head. For once, Chiron actually agreed with something Kirra said.

      "The first quest-mate shall be Annabeth Chase!" Chiron announced.

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      After Kirra and Percy's selection ceremony, the two decided that since Kirra picked Annabeth, Percy should be able to pick someone too. Kirra was sure he was going to pick Luke, but he picked Grover instead. Percy told Kirra that he trusted Grover, and that's all they needed after what the Oracle told them.

     "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,"

      Those words still rang through Kirra's ears, and it made her feel queasy.

      Kirra sat next to Percy on the edge of the water fountain that was in the middle of his cabin. Kirra had never been in the Poseidon cabin until that moment. However, Percy was taking his sweet time packing his bag, which irritated Kirra. "Are you almost done?"

      "Maybe if you stopped complaining," Percy said, finally zipping his bag up.

      "Thank Gods," Kirra groaned, before she went silent, as she heard footsteps walking up to the cabin. She figured it was Chiron coming to talk to them for the tenth time that day, but when she saw Luke, a smile immediately crept onto the girl's face.

"Hey," Kirra smiled, standing up from the edge of the fountain, and walked up to Luke -- giving him a small hug.

"Hey," Luke said, hugging her back.

"How much money did they give you guys?" Luke laughed, as Kirra stepped away from him. She looked over beside Percy, where the money sat.

"Two hundred dollars cash, and a bag of these," Percy said, holding up the golden drachmas.

"I think they're Canadian, maybe? Or from Chuck E. Cheese, I really don't know," Percy shrugged, standing up as he held the bag of coins in his hand.

"How many times do I have to tell you that's not what they are?" Kirra asked, turning her head to the side. She had explained to Percy six times since Chiron had given them the coins that they were golden drachmas, not Canadian coins, and definitely not Chuck E. Cheese coins.

"They're golden drachmas," Luke said, pointing at the bag.

"Thank you," Kirra said.

"Dollars for human world, and drachmas for mythic world, don't mix 'em up," Luke smiled, walking over toward the two. Kirra looked at him and noticed a large box in his hands.

"I brought you two, this," Luke said, holding out the wooden box he had been holding.

Kirras eyes tracked to the box, before back up at Luke. "Is that what I think it is?" Kirra asked, a smile still on her face.

Luke didn't say anything, but he handed Kirra the box.

Kirra sat down once the box was in her hands, and opened it -- only to be greeted with red Converse. Not just any red Converse -- the shoes Hermes gifted Luke.

"Oh, no way!" Kirra exclaimed excitedly. Percy looked down at the shoes and furrowed his brows. "Well, those are... interesting," He smiled.

Without saying anything, Luke picked up one of the shoes, looking at it for a second, before saying, "Maia,"

When he said that, large white wings grew from the shoe laces.

Kirra always thought the shoes were the coolest thing ever -- much cooler than her bracelet -- but Luke never took them out of the box.

"Those are interesting," Percy laughed, looking away from the shoes, and over to Kirra who had a large smile on her face. He couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from her.

"A gift, from my dad," Luke told Percy, looking at the shoe.

"Maia," Luke said again, and the shoelace wings disappeared as Luke put the shoe back in the box Kirra was holding.

"I thought about choosing you before I chose Grover," Percy said, looking over at Luke.

"Hey, Grover's a lot stronger than people think," Luke replied, looking over at Percy.

"I was afraid," Percy admitted, looking at Kirra once more before his eyes met the floor.

Luke furrowed his brows, as he looked over at Kirra. Kirra sent him a soft smile, she knew why Percy didn't pick him. What the Oracle said about one of their friends betraying them -- and Percy felt more comfortable with Grover -- because of what Luke said about always being on Annabeth's side.

"I have a chance to rescue my mom from Hades -- and I can't let anything stop me," Percy spoke, looking back up from the floor.

"And I'm afraid that if it gets in the way of the quest, Annabeth might try to. And you told me that you'll always be on her side no matter what, and--" Percy said, he started talking really fast, so Luke cut him off.

"--It's okay. Really, I...I get it,"

Luke looked over at Kirra, then back up to Percy. "Just take care of each other down there,"

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haley speaks
well hello wattpad!!!! the quest
starts NOOWWWW. giggles cutely
you guys aren't ready for the

the prophecy ( percy jackson )Where stories live. Discover now