To Be A Fly On The Wall

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It had taken just over an hour but finally, finally, you had successfully set up the archaic VCR to your flatscreen tv, static dancing across the film, producing a dull buzzing that grated on your nerves.

"Whew. Apparently the only tech I know how to use is my recording studio." You sniggered to yourself, clapping your hands together to signify the end of your tiresome task.

Standing up from your crouched position you noticed just how dark the room had gotten, the natural sunlight dimming as the sunset shone through your bay window. You'd have to turn on the lights soon or maybe just watch the show in the dark?

Weighing your options, your eyes latched onto the puppet sitting atop your shelf. The dim lighting making the brightly coloured doll look unevenly shaded and unnerving. That settled it, lights on it was.

With quick steps you approached the switch to turn on your decorative light fixture, flicking it on just as the last rays of the sun's light slipped below the horizon. You winced as your eyes began the process of adjusting to the brightness of the room, illuminated by the intense Leds overhead.

"Now onto the tapes."

It was starting to get late and you didn't want to waste anymore time before you decided to pop in the film. Grabbing one of the VHS tapes off the top of the stack, you realised that the white sticker with the title 'Welcome Home' wrapped round the back as well. Curious, you flipped it over, the number '12' printed on the back.

So there was an order to how these should be viewed? Interesting. Well, your dad had always been the kind of man to care about things being in order and you were quite the same- just ask your bedroom closet which had all your clothes separated by colour.

Sifting through the box you eventually found the tape with the number '1' on it and hastily got it set up in your dad's old VCR, hitting play and practically throwing yourself back onto the couch, getting comfortable with the fuzzy blanket you always had hanging over the back rest.

The episode started off, of course, with a merry theme song and a title card. The puppet, which now belonged to you, being the main character and was introduced first with a small painting montage. Watching the little guy paint was incredibly amusing as it was very clear the puppeteer wasn't trying to make anything out of the paint, simply slapping it across the canvas while a smooth monotonous voice droned on about a cheerful town called Home- the focal point of the show.

It wasn't long before the rest of the character's were presented, showing off their natural talents, ideals, and motivations

There was Wally Darling, whomst was a painter living in the centre of Home within a sentient house proudly named 'Home', the building conversing with the puppet through onomatopoeia. Wally was evidently the calm oblivious character, his personality very soothing and always questioning everything with an unending patience.

Julie Joyful, a rainbow monster who was always true to her last name and referred to as the most cheerful resident of Home and with her appearance on screen being her baking cupcakes in the most enthusiastic way possible, it was clear she fit the bill.

Sally Starlet, a literal star from above, an always eccentric theatre kid with a passion for dramatization. She was over the top with her initial presentation being a theatrical entrance, hanging down from a hoop as it lowered onto the set. Truly a firecracker with a heart of gold.

Poppy Partridge, an overly worried, colourful avian and definitely the mother hen of the neighborhood, which was ironic seeing that she lived in a barn. She was constantly on edge and caring of her friends, genuinely the most adult-like character within the show.

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