The Real Demons Are People Part II

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Father John's pristine white pickup truck that he had owned since he first became a priest veered into your driveway with gusto, stopping dead in front of your garage doors. You watched through the bay window in your living room as the priest got out of his truck, garbed in his clerical suit. A silver cross necklace batting against his chest with every step as he made his way to your front door.

You hadn't seen Father John in nearly a decade and he had aged nicely in that time, only being roughly nine years older than you. His pale green eyes were almost reflective in your outside lights, only outshined by his platinum blonde hair that was cut short to his ears and gelled back.

He looked a little too dressed up for this occasion, reminding you of when he'd come over to cleanse your mother's attic. He was always embellished to the nines like he was trying to impress.

A knocking at your door jolted you out of your thoughts.

Oh, shit, you have to open the entryway since you locked it after the suspected robbery that you were now leaning towards believing was Wally himself.

Hastily speeding towards the foyer, you peeled open the front door, slowing down your movements a tad to appear a little more composed.

"Father John, thank you for coming on such short notice." you sighed in relief, widening your door and inviting him inside. "Please, come in."

"It's no problem at all, my child. I have been expecting something like this since your mother passed." the priest admitted, slipping by you and into your foyer, patting down the wrinkles in his top.

"You have?"

"Of course. Someone had to inherit the doll. Speaking of which, may I see it? I never did get an opportunity to do so as it was always locked away in that box."

"Oh, yes. Please, follow me."

You led him down the hallway, his dress shoes clacking obnoxiously on the hardwood. The priest had a habit staying uncomfortably close, and directly behind you as you ascended the staircase to your room.

Wishing for his attention to be diverted elsewhere, you threw open your bedroom door and presented to the holy father the cursed object. However, the priest's focus didn't remain on the blue haired doll for long, his attention steering back to you as though you were more interesting than the literal demon puppet.

Father John's eyes bored into you and you couldn't shake the feeling that you were a bug under a microscope, every part of you revealed to the man.

"Umm... Father John?-"

"Please, call me John."

"Okay, Father John. The doll?"

The priest bristled at your impudence, peering down at you with his appraising gaze as though he were measuring some unknown quality. You were beginning to feel very uncomfortable with him, especially within your bedroom.

"Ah, yes. The doll." the holy father turned back to face the yellow skinned puppet slouched on your vanity, inching closer to get a better look at it.

Lifting the large marionette off the surface by the underside of its arms, Father John turned it around in his hands, analysing the fabric and stitching like it was holding the very secrets of the universe.

"Hm, definitely a demon..." he mumbled, though there was clear hilarity in his tone.

Did he think this was fucking funny ?

"Listen here Father John. This thing has moved on its own and called me on my home phone. If you won't take this seriously, I'll call someone else."

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