Secrets Of A Hive Mind

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Three days, that's how long you laid in bed refusing to move, guilt immobilising you to the tangle of sheets you now practically considered to be your deathbed. Wally had to force you to eat and coerce you into sleeping with promises to be in your dreams, which he upheld, not that you did anything in them either. Nothing he did could put an end to the pure desolation that held you hostage within your own conscious.

This was all your fault.

Every neighbor besides Wally, Howdy and Julie were tangled, and Julie hadn't even woken up yet, her body stuck in a comatose state. And worst of all, the Puppeteer now knew all the survivors were remaining in Home, so it targeted you, lingering outside your bedroom window every night, trying to convince you to give in and submit to it- Wally's hold on you would always tighten every time the creature spoke, dreading that one day you may follow in Julie's footsteps.

It was a nightmare you couldn't wake from, a horror that trickled into your mind like an IV drip of snake venom, poisoning your thoughts and turning them against you.

You wanted out, an escape, anything ! You couldn't bear the mental anguish anymore!

As though your silent pleading had been heard, Howdy's deep voice shouted from the other room, full of the most shock you had heard in days, jolting you out of the bed for the first time since the neighborhood got tangled.

Concerned that one of your last remaining friends was injured, your bare feet made contact with the cool hardwood, Wally at your side within a second to keep you steady due to how weak your body was after days with no use.

Using him as a crutch, you both stumbled through the halls and to the guest bedroom where Howdy's voice had come from. Home immediately swung open the door, revealing the caterpillar weeping tears of relief, a drowsy, but conscious, Julie in his arms.

You dropped to your knees, hysterical laughter pouring from your lips along with the tears of solace from your eyes, leaving Wally to scramble to lift you up.

Julie was awake! The others getting tangled wasn't for nothing!

Julie's survival was a key part of the faith needed to will you back into receptiveness- If she could get better then that meant so could the others if you freed them! This information was like a ray of sunshine peeking through the clouds during a storm, a glimmer of hope that faded all too quickly.

The detangling of your neighbors would be nearly impossible at this point, there were only four of you and nine of them. You weren't going to go counting your eggs before they hatched, not in this dreary situation.

Julie's dazed and fatigued appearance fled from her form, body jolting with alertness, her eyes blown wide in panic.

"Where is everyone else! Please don't tell me he succeeded!"

Howdy drew himself back from the frazzled puppet, shaking his head solemnly. With that revelation, Julie let out a heartbreaking wail, throwing herself back into Howdy's four arms for comfort, her body racking with sobs.

"I-I'm S-s-so Sorry!" she blubbered, delirious with sorrow.

Gently, Howdy shushed her, soothing words falling from his lips like petals off a dying rose as Wally assisted you back to your feet and leaned most of your weight against him, a hand securely around your waist.

"Julie," Wally spoke, grabbing the rainbow monster's teary eyed attention, "It's alright, please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

The painter's speech only elicited more gut wrenching sobs from the woman, who reefed Howdy even closer in an attempt to muffle her cries with his shirt.

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