A Joyful Night

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It was time for the dreaded event, the one Wally had to bribe you into accepting; the slumber party. Which meant you would have to socialise with your fellow neighbors and you hated socialising, at least with large groups. Something about there being so many people just made you nervous like you were an experiment surrounded by curious scientists who would judge your every move- it was frightening how quick someone could lose any and all relationships through a party, one small slip up could lead to you being ostracised forever.

These worries were present in your mind as Wally put a jarring stop to your 'dilly dallying' as he called it and practically dragged you out the front door. If you didn't have some respect for your dignity, you would have thrown yourself at the ground and forced him to haul you all the way to Sally's whilst you clawed at the floorboards in an attempt to escape, but alas, you had some decency, plus that wouldn't make for a good entry and would most likely be seen as disrespectful. The last thing you needed was to make everyone here hate you, especially if you were going to be a permanent resident.

After many nights of mulling over your predicament, you had formulated your resolve. Nobody in your old world had really cared for you, your siblings never talked to you, your parents were gone and you had no friends to speak of. Here in Home, you had many potential friends and even Wally, whomst always looked out for your wellbeing. There wasn't a thing back home that coveted your attention, you could start over here, even if you were a human, the puppets didn't really seem to care!

Maybe you could call this place Home?

Your thoughts were swiftly pulled to a halt, Wally bringing you to the door of Sally's astral decorated home. It was a wonderful combination of warm and cool colours with large star covered draperies and a sun and moon design on the door. Truly a home fit for a theatrical character.

Wally didn't even get the chance to knock on the door, Sally swinging it open full force with a smile more radiant than her star-like physique.

"Wally! Songbird! Come in!" she exclaimed, gesturing for the two of you to enter.

Following Sally into her house was like walking on set of a play with no plotline. Props were littered everywhere, same with scripts and costume pieces, though it all somehow looked organised? You were a hundred percent certain that if you asked Sally where a specific set piece was, she'd know exactly where she left it. This place was the definition of an organised mess.

"Now we're just waiting on Howdy, Eddie and Frank! They mentioned they were going to be a little bit late, closing up shop and all!"

Sally led you to her living room which was just a large stage and auditorium, several star patterned couches and brightly themed bean-bag chairs placed in front of the stage, everyone else currently present seated atop them, chatting away.

Poppy was the first to notice your presence, waving you over with a gentle smile.

"Songbird, it's been a few days since I've seen you, how are you?"

"I've been doing well, how about yourself?"

"Just wonderful dear, Sally hosts the best gatherings. Please-" she patted the spot next to her on the couch with her feathered wing "-have a seat!"

Accepting Poppy's offer, you settled yourself down on the plush cushions, engaging in a conversation with the avian. The topic at hand was how you were liking it in Home and how you were doing with Wally, seeing as you were living with him until you could have a place of your own.

The entire time, Wally watched your interaction with a creeping grin.

Hook, line, and sinker. He had you caught now. Poppy was a splendid friend, she'd watch out for you and keep you safe, truly a mother hen. Your own mother was pretty terrible, so perhaps you'd find a real one in Poppy? Half of the neighbors already considered her to be their mom.

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