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You were right to have expected chaos in the neighborhood meeting, the mere idea of killing the Puppeteer an absurd thought in everyone's mind- the creature had been around for years, they just considered it a fact of life. Though upon Wally telling everyone about the Outside and the trouble that occurred there- leaving out his ability to eat- followed by a gentle explanation of what death is, based around Wally's understanding of it being simply separating the body from the soul, you could safely say the neighbors thought you both had lost your marbles.

Eventually Wally started to get frustrated with the neighbors acting as though he were made of glass and decided that if he couldn't prove what he was saying with words, he would show them. Calmly he revealed your recording studio, showing off the technology that had never made it into their world, and after that, he showed them what was going to be your new body- he was dead set on getting rid of the Puppeteer if it meant you would stay with him forever.

Wally's sheer eagerness to slaughter the beast was frightening, especially seeing as the only real motivation he had was keeping you here and of course bringing Julie back, though that was more wishful thinking, Wally had no idea what would happen to those already tangled.

But, you had already proposed your deal, you couldn't go back on it now seeing as all the neighbors now knew about your situation and were eager to have you here as well as get their friend back.

Frank specifically had jumped on the task of taking down the Puppeteer, cracking down on the logistics side of things, he got to work whilst everyone else threw around ideas. Though Frank had brought up his own plan; tangling the Puppeteer in its own threads and detangling those caught. The neighbors loved the ploy, determination in their eyes as they began to collect the items necessary alongside their needed materials to stay the night, everyone had decided they would be staying at Home until the creature was defeated.

Night was fast approaching and the entirety of the neighborhood was huddled up in Wally's living room, blankets and pillows strewn about alongside scrap pieces of paper left behind by Frank's crossed out plans. Sally and Howdy had stolen the couch to sleep on, Poppy and Barnaby had taken the two chairs and Frank and Eddie had occupied the guest bedroom. You had all decided to turn in for the night and focus on finalising and going through with the plan tomorrow, however, with how anxious everyone was, barely anyone was able to genuinely rest, including you.

Truthfully, out of everyone, you were the most nervous, guilt eating away at your resolve. You had convinced Wally to tell the neighbors everything so they would have the faith they required to free Julie and her sisters and snip the rose at the bud by getting rid of the Puppeteer, but in doing so, you had put all of their lives at risk. The plot Frank had come up with would involve everyone being vulnerable and one wrong move could end with the entire neighborhood getting tangled- and if that happened, it would be all your fault.

Lying in your bed, bundled up in Wally's arms, you couldn't sleep. No matter how many times Wally pressed you closer to him or whispered soothing words in your ear or hummed you a lullaby, your mind refused to stop spinning, worst case scenarios being all you'd see behind your eyelids. And as the morning sun peeked through the shutters, both yours and Wally's night was lost, the puppet kept awake by your restlessness, not that he seemed to mind.

Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, Wally slipped out from beneath the sheets and headed over to the walk-in closet to get ready for the day, you doing the same once he was done. Entering the closet, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, yawning. You picked out one of Wally's simpler outfits, not wanting to dress up when you were so exhausted.

Tiredly, you dragged your feet all the way to the kitchen where Frank had thankfully already prepared coffee and was pouring you some- truly a lifesaver. You'd marry him if he weren't already married and if Wally hadn't already weaseled his way into your heart.

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