The Apple Of Eden

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A sob reached your ears, echoing through your empty home, the cry distorted and wobbly like a scratched record. You were in your kitchen placing your dish sponge back under the counter when you heard it, the sound heartbreaking and full of sorrow.

Pausing in your movement, you waited to see if the noise would happen again, and it did, the harrowing lament reverberating off the walls. It came from upstairs. Who was up there? You didn't invite any guests over.

Dropping the sponge carelessly within the cabinet, you approached the darkened hall, peering out towards the stairs. There was nothing there as far as you could see, so tentatively you walked out of your kitchen and toward the stairway, intending to find who was crying in your home.

Cautiously you ascended the steps to the second floor, staring at your slightly ajar bedroom door, a warm dim light peeking through the cracks. Silently, your footfalls neared the entrance to your room and from inside it you could hear the sonorous weeps of an unknown person, they sounded terribly distraught.

Dread washed over you like a wave as you stared at the door handle. For some reason you knew that once you opened the door there would be no going back and whatever or whoever was in there would cause you severe distress. However, without your consent your hand began to press on the mahogany door, widening the gap between it and the frame, revealing the poorly lit room to your sights.

A man with short blonde hair tangled in disarray, clothed in all black sat kneeling on your hardwood floor, facing away from you. Tremors shook his lean body and sobs wracked his chest, a garbled moan emanating from his form, face covered by his hands. He seemingly didn't notice your presence in the room, until you placed a hand on his shoulder to see if he was alright.

Violently the man's head swung around to face you, but something was wrong- terribly wrong . The entire front of his head looked as though it had been chewed off, right through his skull, bits of his brain splattering onto the floor in his haste to turn around.

A scream caught in your throat the second you saw the man's faceless complexion, your feet moving of their own accord to flee from the monster before you. Tearing out of your room, bare feet slapping against the hardwood making the soles of your feet ache. You darted toward the stairs. However, just before you could get to the top of the stairway, you were reefed into your pitch black bathroom, the grotesque man flying past the lightless room and tripping down the steps.

The whole house shook as the faceless creature hit every ledge on his way down, screeching in agony the entire time up till he hit the first floor where he went dead silent. Panting, you shakily slapped at the arms still holding you tight to someone's chest. Fear that this was another monstrous creature causing your breathing to pick up and your heart to race.

Squirming in the person's grasp, muffled pleads to be released falling from your lips, you began to feel them loosen their hold on you. Pulling back from them, you slammed the palm of your hand against the lightswitch, illuminating the room in a pale white glow, and turned to face the being who had saved you from the half eaten man.

The blue haired, black eyed, pompadour wearing, yellow felt skinned puppet stared back at you, a gentle smile on his face.

"Wally!" you exclaimed, keeling over with a sigh of relief. You had thought for a moment he was another tormented creature here to haunt you.

His presence here also meant that this was, thankfully, a dream. Though with the current situation you were wondering if he was just a figment of your imagination, this scene produced by your brain to imitate his protection of you in the real world, or was he the actual puppet that you had fallen asleep with in the real world here for another relapse of saviorism?

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