The Real Demons Are People Part I

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Dragging yourself out of bed, you groaned when your feet hit the floor, longing to return to the warm embrace of your sheets, but alas, you had some shopping to do today. Swiftly getting changed into more presentable clothing, you gave Wally a quick farewell, heading down to your motorcycle and driving off in the direction of the closest grocery store.

Along the route, your mind drifted back to your unusual dream involving Wally. Most of the images and sounds from within the realm of fantasy were lost upon your awakening, forgotten as your mind prepared you for the day, so there wasn't much to think about in that regard. However, you did find it strange that the puppet had been a part of your night's rest, though you could blame the chaos involving him later in the evening- that was how dreams were made up after all, a mix of fantasy and what had happened within your day all jumbled up together into a messy plot.

Arriving at the store, you parked your motorcycle and headed inside to grab your necessities.

Roughly an hour later you left the store, bags of food and a can of WD-40 in hand. Securing the bags to your pillion, you revved off in the direction of home. It had taken longer than expected to purchase your acquired items as the older lady behind the till was rather chatty and you didn't want to be rude, hence you engaged with her, accidentally inviting her to talk your ear off.

Steering into your driveway and pulling into your garage, you hopped off the bike, snagging the bags off your pillion. A little more cautious of the junk that littered the garage floor, you managed to make it all the way to your mudroom door without tripping over anything.

A quick tap of your finger on the button next to the entrance had the garage door closing while you darted inside your atrociously wallpapered mudroom, kicking off your boots as you went.

Bringing your grocery bags to the kitchen, you found your mind trailing back to the blue haired puppet you had left on your vanity. You hoped he was still there, someone had tried to steal him last night and you were fairly certain the doll was irreplaceable. With this new worry in mind, you hastily shoved your items where they belonged and darted up the stairs with the WD-40 to fix the hinges on your doors.

Entering your bedroom, you let out a sigh of relief. Wally was still there and unharmed, his plastic eyes lazily focused on the floor. Laughing, you realised just how silly the puppet looked in your room, his colourful apparel nowhere close to matching the dark tones of your bedroom.

Hilarity made you bubbly, a tiny grin tracing your lips. Wally was so interesting and according to the robber last night, a valuable possession. You wondered why a doll you had just received could have caused such a commotion in just one night. I mean truly it was qu-

Riinnggg ~ Riinnggg ~ Riinnggg ~

The telephone on your dresser was trembling at the sheer volume of its ringtone, the actual phone piece rocking on its stand. Instinctually you headed over to the incessant buzzing, answering the call and bringing the speaker to your ear.

Who was calling you? No one except your siblings knew your home number and they rarely indulged you with their time, far too busy with their lives to take a moment to speak with you.

"Hellooo~" a tedious voice flowed from the phone, sending shivers down your spine.

This voice didn't belong to anyone you knew, it was too high pitched to be your brother and far too even toned to be your sister. Yet it sounded scarily familiar as though you had heard it in passing somewhere.

Eerily rich and calm the voice poured from the speaker once more.

"Hellooooo~ I know you picked up, are you still there?"

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