Roses And Revelations

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Hollow weeks dragged by, full of empty sorrow and faux smiles. No one could bring it upon themselves to be happy, not a soul.

When Julie's sisters had been tangled, the neighborhood wasn't really affected save Julie, but that was due to how little they visited and how distant they were, living far out in the forest in a homely cave. However, unlike them, Julie lived in Home, she saw everyone everyday, she was a daily part of every neighbor's life and now that she was gone it felt like something was missing.

Though now, everyone was slowly beginning to heal. Poppy was back to baking her sweets and looking out for her fellow neighbor's. Howdy's store was no longer closed and his witty comments were beginning to make a comeback. And Sally's cheerful attitude was returning, same with Barnaby's. The only person to still carry the full weight of Julie's loss was Frank, who rarely left the house anymore.

"Hey, Wally? I thought you had plans to visit Barnaby today?" you asked from the small chair in front of your recording set up in Wally's art room.

Around a week ago, Wally had surprised you with some of your old possessions, including your recording equipment which he had already gotten hooked up before revealing it to you. In light of the travesty in the neighborhood, it was safe to say both you and Wally needed a little bit of a distraction so you took to honing each other's craft.

"I did, didn't I?" Wally hummed, glancing up from his wooden palette, trailing his brush over the canvas- he had yet to show you what he was painting, claiming it to be a surprise. "Well, I hope he doesn't mind my tardiness~"

Standing up from his stool, Wally placed his paints down on the easel, untying his apron and hanging it up on the hook on the wall, patting out the wrinkles in the colour stained fabric. Once his art materials were all put away, he walked over to where you sat, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.

"I'll be back home soon, sweetheart~" he whispered, pulling back from you and slipping out the door, waving his farewell as a gentle dusting of pink coated your cheeks.

Ever since the slumber party, Wally had progressively become more affectionate, showering you in his constant attention. It was flattering. However, he wasn't withheld from your endearments either, you trying your best to reciprocate his fondness.

Though the weird part of this relationship was that it wasn't official . Neither you, nor Wally, had actually asked the other to be their partner and the only intimacy you both had shown could easily be passed off as being close friends. It was as though you and Wally were beating around the bush, afraid of breaking the comfortable balance between you.

Home's front door closed, signifying Wally's departure and eliciting a curious sigh from you.

The puppet had been extremely cheerful as of late and unusually enough, had been spending more and more time in the basement you had yet to see. Wally's behavior was beyond peculiar, even for him!

Heading over to the kitchen, you picked up one of the delicious red apples Wally had in a wooden basket on his table, taking a bite out of it. Home's eyes, despite being visible, were focused outside where you could hear Sally and Eddie joking around, their mood lighter than it had been in weeks since Julie's tangling.

Smiling softly at the sound of their laughter, you walked over to you and Wally's shared room, looking for the red and blue radio you had left on the nightstand. You felt in the mood to listen to some of the old songs that played on the neighborhood's station, which apparently seemed to run on its own.

Entering the bedroom, you immediately rolled your eyes. Wally had woken up after you for the first time ever and evidently his morning routine did not include making the bed.

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