Like A Heathen Clung To The Homily

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Me and my babe relax and catch the manic rhapsody
All reason flown, as God looks on in abject apathy
A squall, and all of me is a prayer in perfect piety
A moment's silence when my baby puts her mouth on me

Moment's Silence (Common Tongue) - Hozier


Trudging up the staircase of the hotel, silently fuming and mumbling to himself, Lucifer decided he wasn't going to take the elevator or teleport, blowing off some steam with a long march up to his room. His first day in the establishment he had just built was going terribly and his soul was almost lost to a swan-looking sinner all because he had gotten himself caught up in a past loss.

Overcoat slung over his shoulder, the seraphim stormed down the hall of the upper level of the hotel, flipping the door to Alastor's radio studio off out of spite before stomping his way over to his own door on the far side of the hall, swinging open the entrance to the apple shaped tower that also served as his living space.

Upon his hasty move to the Hazbin Hotel on account of assisting his daughter, he had tried to keep his room tidy and neat of clutter and he had succeed somewhat, save for the fact there was an entire ball pit in the corner of his living room absolutely filled to the brim with an assortment of rubber ducks.

Hey, it wasn't like he could leave all of his hard work and comfort behind in his palace, he needed someplace to cool down after all.

Without much thought, the angel tossed his jacket and hat onto the couch and then proceeded to throw himself into his rubber duckie oubliette, slowly sinking into the amassment of toys like quicksand, the ones with squeakers screaming out as he descended to the bottom of the pit.

Shifting around so he was laying on his back, facing the throng of yellow duckies above him, Lucifer sighed, closing his eyes and allowing his muscles to relax. It might not be the most sane way to reach inner peace, but here under his ducks, it gave him the opportunity to reflect without fear of interruption- and he was in desperate need of some reflection.

You had showed up here in his and his daughter's hotel, absolutely kicked his ass at playing the fiddle, held his soul and allowed it to climb all over you like a jungle gym, returned it to him without any care for the amount of power it held and then stole his replacement fiddle.

What the fuck.

Not to even start on his own soul, Ouroboros, betraying him by cuddling up to you, hanging around your neck like an elegant pendant all because you made the scaled noodle feel sentimental. Of course he couldn't trust the slippery little serpent not to cling to you, your melody had also resonated with that piece of him that dwelled on what he had lost during his fall from grace.

The way you had encaptured the very essence of absence and despair was frighteningly personal and he despised feeling so exposed, especially to a stranger who couldn't possibly begin to grasp what he had endured. But nevertheless, you had managed to convey his story with no words at all and he begrudgingly admired you for that, his curiosity piqued.

The way you held yourself, the way you called him out on his pride, the way you challenged him and didn't back down, it all intrigued him, his brow tensing as he thought over your actions, trying to piece together why you felt so familiar like a distant memory. You were a sinner with empathy and mercy, which weren't exactly common traits here in Hell; it made him wonder how you got here.

What sin had you committed to banish you here?

Nibbling on his bottom lip, Lucifer grumbled, rolling around in the sea of ducks, taking pleasure in how the toys squeaked and shifted against each other, the sound calming him slightly. Chin resting in his hands, he tapped his fingers against his jawline, his focus faltering as his thoughts mulled over to what Charlie was doing. His daughter had been showing you around the hotel last he remembered, but that was a few hours ago, you likely would have been given a room by now.

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now