Heaven Is Not Fit To House A Love Like You And I

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For all that was said
Of where we'd end up at the end of it
When the heart would cease
Ours never knew peace
What good would it be on the far side of things?
It was too soon
When that part of you was ripped away

Francesca - Hozier


Kicking the warm water you had graciously dipped your feet into after being dragged out to the pool by a certain blond haired princess, you leaned back on your palms, staring up at the glass ceiling, putting the glowing red pentagram sky of Hell under your scrutiny.

Why was the symbol of the damned's horizon a pentagram anyway? It made no sense because pentagrams were sigils of protection, so why was it there? Or was it there to offer protection for Earth and Heaven from Hell so no demons could slip out and wreak havoc on the other planes?

It made you wonder what the logic behind the very ether above you was.

Unfortunately, your thinking was drawn short as Cherri, garbed in a crimson one piece, dive bombed into the pool, absolutely drenching you, sopping strands of hair falling onto your face and covering your eyes. How delightful. The expression on your face dropped to a deadpan as the cyclops resurfaced, laughing maniacally before swimming over to Angel Dust where he was treading aimlessly within the deep end of the rectangular basin, a vermillion bikini bottom being the only thing to cover him- though, for a fluffy spider, the sinner was rather water resistant, the liquid easily slipping off his form whenever he left it to join Husker by the pool bar, the feline avoiding the pool as best he could.

Slicking back your hair, your feathers ruffled and flapped, flinging off any excess water. Thank goodness swans were aquatic birds and thus, the precipitation wouldn't do your wings any harm. However, your actions accidentally caused the princess who was beside you to flinch in surprise, falling into the water with a muffled cry.

Covering your mouth with your hand, you laughed as Charlie resurfaced, her magenta swimsuit a shade darker from the moisture, both you making eye contact and breaking into giggles before you were army tackled from behind, plummeting into the water and taking your attacker with you. As it turned out, Vaggie had seen her girlfriend fall in and decided to take vengeance for the mishap.

Spluttering out the water you had sadly inhaled, both you and the angel swam to the surface, coughing and trying not to choke, still chuckling at the situation, Vaggie patting your back to ensure you were okay before joining Charlie, her black bikini matching the little heart designs on her lover's.

It had been a week since the incident with Alastor, the Radio Demon currently hovering by the sun chairs, laying back on one in a two piece bathing suit with crimson and black stripes. It was very odd to see him wearing anything that wasn't his trademark pinstripe suit, but you didn't dwell on it, not wanting to be caught staring at the man, after all, things were still tense between you two and you didn't think that would change for a while.

Using your wings and tail to glide through the water, you ducked below the surface, easily diving to the bottom of the deep end where you laid down on your back, staring up at the ever-shifting image of the hotel residence as they swam above you, Angel grinning and waving down at you, a gesture you kindly returned.

Being formed after a swan, you had a unique ability to hold your breath far longer than most and right now you were using that to your advantage, simply resting under the water, mulling over the distorted perception of those above the surface. How interesting it was that looking up from below could show you a different perception of those above.

As though he was personally there to ruin your quiet time, Charlie's father finally decided to join everyone in the pool, cannonballing into the deep end just to the left of you. Opening his eyes under the water, he beamed at you, allowing himself to sink to the bottom to sit a few feet away, making you raise a brow.

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now