Be Love In Its Disrepute

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Be like the love that discovered the sin (lover, be good to me)
That freed the first man and will do so again
And, lover, be good to me (lover, be good to me)
Be that hopeful feeling when Eden was lost (lover, be good to me)
That's been deaf to our laughter since the master was crossed (lover, be good to me)

Be - Hozier


Waking next to Lucifer every morning was already a gift in and of itself, but to wake up next to him for the rest of your existence was the purest blessing you could have ever received.

Two years had passed since the discourse with Adam and the Vees had been given a stern warning that had backed them off completely lest they wanted the King of Hell's wrath directed at them. Not a pleasurable outcome for the Overlords if they attempted something as bold again.

Much had happened within those few years; Vaggie and Charlie had gotten married in the royal palace, the hotel became a hub for those in Hell who desired a second chance, the Exterminations were no longer taking place and Angel had been freed from his contract with Valentino after you showed up at the moth demon's residence and threatened his life- a very effective method to get what you want, seeing as it also worked on Alastor for freeing Husk, the Radio Demon giving in with few complaints once he realised he would, in fact, be slaughtered if he didn't.

However, one thing lingered on your mind, there had been no word from Heaven. There was no issue from them, no declaration of war, only radio silence, which was peculiar and frightening. Even with the sinners who redeemed themselves and managed to get into Heaven through major selfless acts, who would've mentioned you to other saints and angels, there still wasn't a sound from the holy land.

It was stressful to say the least.

Everyday you'd be on edge, waiting for the moment the angels would strike, constantly questioning if they knew about you or not. Anxiety was a new constant for you, though Lucifer seemed completely at ease and in his presence, you felt calmer too. You had each other and that is all that you needed... but what if Heaven...?

All your nervous rants and worried ramblings eventually wore down on Lux and though he didn't dismiss your concern as he himself was also slightly unnerved by the lack of response from the holy land, he did try to soothe you. He would sit with you on the roof of the hotel and stare at Heaven, you by his side as you'd voice your fears.

"What if they come down here, love?" you whispered, his head in your lap as you gently combed through his blonde hair with your fingers, "what if they catch us by surprise like Adam? An army of angels trained by Michael with the goal to slay us. What then?"

Watching you with a soothing warmth in his vermillion eyes, Lucifer sighed, reaching up to cup your cheek in his palm, sharp ebony nails brushing softly over your features. Such gentleness from the Devil himself, he was truly lovely, he was yours and you were his.

"Then we fight as we always have, no matter what," he answered, thumb moving to stroke over your bottom lip, he drew you down for a kiss that you gladly returned, but your anxiety wasn't so easily quenched today.

"Do they even know about us? With all the sinners that have been redeemed, they have to know, but why aren't they saying anything about it? Not even a whisper of their displeasure has gotten down here-"

"Is that what you're worried about, Meri?" he raised a brow, a warm smile on his face, "the suspense of not knowing what the other angels will say?"

"I-..." you huffed, gaze shifting to glare at the heavens in the sky, "I guess that's part of it... I mean, we don't even know if they know and it's just eating away at me what they'll say when they find out."

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now