The Memory Hurts, But Does Me No Harm

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Darling, there's a part of me
I'm afraid will always be
Trapped within an abstract from a moment of my life

Abstract (Psychopomp) - Hozier


"Shhh, Luci!" you whispered softly with a small giggle, hiding in a small closet space with golden shelves lined with little animal figurines, "you're going to get us caught."

"Nonsense, no one knows we're here." the smaller angel smiled up at you, his three pairs of ivory wings folded neatly to his body.

Lucifer, God's most beloved creation and your secret friend. He was dressed in a white suit with golden clasps, a blue undershirt peeking through the gaps of his overcoat. You, on the other hand, were garbed in a white silk dress, gold hemming along the folds of the rich fabric that matched your gold tipped wings and flower halo, a white veil falling neatly over your face.

You knew you weren't allowed to spend time with him, Michael, your overseer and father figure, had expressly forbid it, but you didn't see the harm. Lucifer was so sweet and he had so many fascinating creations you were oh so curious about- besides, could they really blame you if it was in your nature?

"Come on, help me set this up there with the other birds," the Morningstar pointed to a high shelf in the seemingly roofless closet. This was where God kept all the animals that he wished to grace the world with and Lucifer wished to add a new avian he had created, he called it a duck!

It was a medium sized bird with a white body, big beady eyes and a cute yellow bill- oh, and they were excellent swimmers!- And they honked!

You were so excited just thinking about them and you had to help the seraphim get his wondrous new animal onto the Earth, so here you were now, both of you sneaking around the animal closet.

"Here, pass it to me and I'll get it up there," you motioned for him to hand to you the small little duck figurine he had in his hands and he eagerly obeyed, passing it over as you flew up, finding the shelf with the rest of the birds and setting it down.

From the ground below, Lucifer silently cheered, his wings fluffed up with elation as you flew back down, smiling warmly at him through your veil.

"Yes! I'm sure Earth will love the ducks! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me!" he offered you his gratitude, hands joining with yours as he held them to his chest.

"It was my pleasure, Lux," you brushed your fingers over his knuckles, making his eyes sparkle as you called him by his nickname- it meant light and splendor and the seraphim embodied all of such things, "but we should probably get out of here before we get caught. I don't want your hard work to go to waste."

Nodding at your words, Lucifer creaked open the closet door, looking both ways before giving you the signal to follow him. It was tedious, your get togethers, though the adventures you both would go on were well worth the risk- as few and far between as they were.

Pulling you along silently through the grand halls of Heaven's palace, Lucifer brought you to his room in the castle, quietly opening the door and smuggling you in like an illegal parcel. His over dramatic show of sneaking you in made both of you burst into giggles. The room was beautiful with giant pearlescent windows and many shelves and gadgets, half of which you had no idea how they worked, and on the far right was his large bed with many plush pillows and comfy blue blankets.

"Here, I have something to show you," Lucifer pulled you towards his work bench, picking up a small figurine much like the one you both had just placed in the animal closet.

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now