There Is No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin

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The only Heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you
I was born sick, but I love it
Command me to be well

Take Me To Church - Hozier


Zestial was a most charitable host and his servants were exceptionally kind, all of his house hands and butlers were treated well and respectfully. Some of your own employees worked within the Overlord's manor as well, livening the elegant living space with their music.

A few days had passed since you left the hotel and you couldn't say that you didn't miss it. The constant bustle of Angel and Cherri. Niffty bursting into your room through a vent with a feather duster, scaring you half to death. Charlie's odd trust exercises and optimistic dedication. The Radio Demon's looming presence. Lucifer...

There was a lot to miss and you hadn't realised just how attached you had been to the establishment until you had fled it. Though you did enjoy Zestial's company, same with Carmilla's, it didn't quite compare to the energy of the Hazbin Hotel- nor could it compare to the loveliness of Lucifer.

Out of everyone, you missed the King of Hell the most. His smile. His laughter. The way he'd get overly flustered whenever you flirted with him. The fake custody battles you'd have over Ouroboros (you'd win every time). His presence alone you longed for, but now that he knew who you were it was too dangerous. If Heaven found out that you were here and that Lucifer knew because you were with him, it would be a direct threat and they would purge all of Hell in their fear; they were never ones to care about semantics.

You had slapped your true regret and guilt away and replaced it with a virtuous cause. You were doing this for him and for his good. It was for the best that you remained apart. were starting to sound like Michael, even in your own mind.

But this was something way different! The situation was completely secular from what you experienced up in Heaven, this time you had a choice and you would make the right one, at least you hoped you would.

Uncertainty and doubt weighed heavy on your mind and no matter how much you tried to shove it down, Ouroboros' cute face would remind you of it every time, especially where he was right now, wrapped around your bicep, head resting in the crook of your neck. He was adorable, but very distracting as you were trying to listen to Carmilla as she explained the current predicament to Zestial and you, questioning you in particular.

"...Are you sure you can't tell us why Lucifer is showing up at our doors and asking where you are? Both he and Vaggie have stopped by on multiple occasions to ask if I have seen you."

Sitting in Zestial's cozy study, the cloaked Overlord was sitting behind and leaning against his desk, Carmilla in the chair next to yours. Everyone had a teacup in hand, courtesy of the butlers that waited outside the doors of the private room.

"I cannot deny that I too am curious as to why thou hast hidden thyself away from thy friends. Carmilla and I had thought that thou and Lucifer were getting along splendidly, only for thee to show up at my door."

Pursing your lips, a frown settled over your features. The two other Overlords shared a small glance with each other. They wanted to help you and you were well aware of that, you had been friends with them for just under a decade and you would never doubt their care or loyalty, but the secret you held was bigger than just you. To tell them would put them in danger and you didn't want that for them -it was the exact reason you ran away from the hotel- however, to not tell them would be to allow them to harbor you without knowing the risk you posed.

It was a double edged sword in all cases, but in the end, you trusted them and they deserved to know who you were and where you came from.

"It is a long story that spans, well, thousands of years," you began, their eyes darting to you, completely focused on what you were about to say, "I have been here since the beginning. I was an angel of the lord and one of the first Archangel's to exist after the seraphims were created."

Innocence Died Screaming (Honey, Ask Me, I Should Know) (Lucifer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now