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Neriah Hale had been enjoying her new life in France with Isaac and Chris for the first four months. She was attending a private school with Isaac where she made two new friends who were werewolves and she even started taking up the wonders of painting, doing it in her free time, and the majority of the time she was painting her friends she missed.

Isaac was enjoying the new life too, making his own friends and joining a poetry club that was hosted in a small café where Neriah worked on the weekends.

Chris had kept himself busy by training the pair to hunt like hunters, despite that they were normally the ones being hunted.

And life in general was going great...

Until Chris received a message from Scott saying that Kate Argent was alive as some type of supernatural who had kidnapped Derek and turned him back into a teenager.

Neriah and Isaac were shocked by the news and the girl didn't think twice as she packed her bags, needing to go back to Beacon Hills to help her cousin and give a growling to Scott who didn't tell her.

Isaac was pissed when she told him she was going back to the same place she ran away from. The whole time she packed her bags, he argued with her, reminding her of every bad memory she had of Beacon Hills. That made everything go downhill fast and she left their apartment with more clothes than she originally packed, the both of them wondering what that meant for their relationship that was barely standing.

Chris was originally going to go with Neriah to Beacon Hills, but with Allison's death still a fresh wound, he couldn't bring himself to go, which Neriah understood and promised to keep him updated. But not Isaac who didn't even say bye to her.

The girl was a ball of nerves and excitement as she dropped her bags in a familiar room that hadn't been touched since the day, she left four months ago. On the walls, a few photos still hung up with even a few of her extra clothes still in the closet. And it seemed that Stiles had been spraying her perfume considering the room still smelt like fresh cinnamon.

The front door opened downstairs and Neriah smiled, taking off her leather jacket.

"Like I said, I told my dad everything I could," Stiles said, walking through the front door behind Scott.

Neriah's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice, and she stopped behind her closed door, trying to calm her nerves. For the last four months, she'd spoken to Stiles every Sunday like promised and over the phone did no justice to his voice compared to in person.

"But you didn't tell him about Liam?" Scott questioned and Neriah furrowed her brows, wondering who the hell Liam was. She'd spoken to Scott and Melissa rarely due to how expensive it was for them to call her in France, but when they did talk, they hadn't told her anything new in Beacon Hills.

"You barely told me about Liam," Stiles pointed out. "What did you do with him anyway?"

"He's upstairs," Scott answered and Neriah was even more confused. She hadn't heard anyone when she arrived, but she did smell a new scent. She just thought that maybe Melissa started dating.

"Doing what?" Stiles asked.

"Lying down," Scott answered just as they started going up the stairs.

Neriah opened her door and walked into the hallway before walking toward the stairs. "Who the hell is Liam?"

Both the boys froze on the stairs, their heads snapping up to see her standing at the top with her hands on her hips and a brow raised. Scott's jaw dropped as he blinked hard, not believing she was back and also surprised he hadn't heard or smelt her. Stiles nearly fell back down the stairs when he missed the step, trying to grab the railing to keep himself up.

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