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The next day, Neriah walked with Stiles and Malia toward Scott and Kira at the library. Last night, Malia had stayed with her sister and the pair stayed up most of the night, trying to figure out what damn creatures were running around Beacon Hills.

Scott looked up from his book, spotting the trio. "Did you get in to see Lydia?"

"No," Neriah snarled, still pissed off about that.

Stiles cringed. "We tried using our free period but she's still in the ICU and no one outside family is allowed in," he informed them, coming to a stop beside the table.

"We got one thing," Malia said, dumping the large, Bestiary on the table.

Kira nodded, opening the book and flipping through the pages. "Anything in here about half-werewolves, half-Kanimas?"

"The Chimera," Scott mumbled.

Neriah raised a brow. "Come again?"

Scott looked up from the book to her. "Chimera. It's a creature made of incongruous parts. And if Liam said he found two burial sites, it means Tracy's not the only one."

"Who's the second Chimera?" Kira questioned with wide eyes.

"And why would they bury them?" Stiles added.

"Deaton thinks it's part of their process," Scott briefly explained.

Neriah nodded, looking back down at the book. "The people in masks," she mumbled and then pulled out her phone, checking the time. "Uh, I gotta go but I'll see you guys later."

Stiles raised a brow as she shoved her phone back into her pocket. "Where are you going?"

Neriah walked away from him with a faint smile. "Brett is taking me out to a club after last night's events."

"Brett?" Stiles muttered with a bite in his tone as he watched her walk out of the library with a small skip in her step. "Of course, she's going out with him tonight." When he faced back to the others, they all shared the same expression. "What?"

Scott rolled his eyes with an amused smirk. "You're so painfully in love with her, man."


Electronic music blasted through Sinema as Neriah took her drink from the crowded bar, swaying her hips as she headed back toward Brett. Bodies danced with other bodies and there were even guys and girls dancing on platforms around the club. It didn't take Neriah long to realize the club was mainly meant for gays, but she didn't mind. Especially if it helped Brett get more comfortable with his sexuality.

Neriah almost made it back to Brett when she saw two familiar faces and halted, sucking on her teeth. Little shits, she thought to herself with a small laugh, deciding she was going to sneak up on them.

"We don't look old enough to be here," Liam said loudly over the music.

Mason laughed, pointing at Brett dancing. "Neither does he."

Liam's eyes widened for a second. "So is this club mixed?"

Neriah pushed between the pair, throwing her arms around their shoulders. "You bet it is," she hummed as Liam paled and Mason's eyes grew so wide you could see all the white around his iris's. "Now, what the hell are you two doing here?"

"Oh, uh, we were—shit," Liam stuttered over his words, dropping his head.

"Don't shit yourself," Neriah laughed, making Mason exhale in relief as Liam looked at her. "Look, I'm not going to force you two to leave or to not drink, but promise me if something happens, you'll come find me. Trust me, I love bar fights."

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