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Neriah found herself standing between Stiles and Scott in the Sheriff's station the next night, smiling at Mr. Stilinski who was dressed in a fine brown suit.

After last night's events with...whatever the hell happened, Neriah hadn't mentioned it again and neither had Stiles—but the boy had told Scott who now smelt like worry and it was bugging Neriah out.

"Oh, I should've got a haircut," Mr. Stilinski muttered, rubbing a hand on his head.

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut," Stiles commented with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I think you look great," Scott hummed with a smile.

Neriah nodded her head in agreement. "Very handsome if I gotta say."

Mr. Stilinski smiled at the pair. "Well, thank you, son I should have had and daughter I wish I had."

Neriah and Scott shared a happy look before looking at a baffled Stiles who was gaping like a fish out of water.

A few seconds later, Mr. Stilinski started grabbing the knot of his tie. "Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea."

"No, no, no," Neriah rushed out, slapping his hands away from his tie as Stiles grabbed his shoulders. "You aren't backing out of this now."

"Dad, it's one date, okay?" Stiles said and Neriah fixed his father's tie with a nod of her head. "The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman. Or man."

"Oh, Jesus," Neriah mumbled, stepping back from Mr. Stilinski as she finished fixing his tie. "I'm getting flashbacks."

"It's a woman, Stiles," Mr. Stilinski monotoned. "A very beautiful woman."

Stiles nodded, glancing at Neriah and Scott before looking back at his father with a curious look. "What beautiful woman, by the way?"

"None of your business," his father said and then looked at the other two. "That goes for you two."

Neriah put her hands up with an innocent smile. "We all have our own love lives."

"Like yours last night with Stiles," Scott snickered low enough for only her to hear.

"I am so going to kill you for that," Neriah whispered, her jaw dropping as she whirled around on him. "Nothing even happened, you—"

"Stilinski!" a male voice shouted, making Neriah clamp her mouth shut as she shared a confused look with Scott and then Stiles. "Stilinski!" the voice sounded again.

Neriah quickly followed Mr. Stilinski out of his office and into the main area to see an older boy shouting while being held back by two deputies.

"I'm going to kill you!" the boy threatened.

Neriah stepped up to Mr. Stilinski's side, her cold eyes pinned on the boy. "Touch him and I'll throw your ass out of this station."

"Oh shit," Stiles blurted, grabbing her arm and pulling her back with Scott.

Mr. Stilinski stepped in front of Neriah, staring at the boy. "Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory. Deputies, escort the prisoner out."

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window," Donovan started with venom in his tone. "I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead. And when you look at me and you ask me why, remember right now. Because this is why."

"I'm going to skin his skinny ass alive," Neriah growled, making Scott's eyes widen as he wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her in place before she could attack the idiot.

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