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Liam watched Neriah with wide eyes as she drank from a blood bag in the kitchen at the McCall house with Kira, Stiles, and Scott standing around the dining table with three laptops ready. None of them had heard from Malia, putting Neriah on edge about whether her little sister was safe. The pair weren't close, but Neriah still felt the natural older sibling urge to care for her younger sibling. She failed one sibling before and she refused to make that same mistake again.

"How are you guys used to that?" Liam quietly asked the trio while pointing at Neriah who was staring at the ground, nearly finished her blood bag.

Scott patted Liam on the shoulder with a careless smile. "I share a bathroom with her. You get used to it pretty quickly after finding empty blood bags in the bin next to the sink."

"And the first day she became a Hybrid, I watched her drink from a blood bag and then use another werewolf as a blood bag," Stiles said, shrugging his shoulders.

"After the things we've seen," Kira started, looking away from Neriah to Liam, "you would think her drinking blood is the most normal thing."

"You all know I can hear you, right?" Neriah raised a brow, walking toward them before stopping next to a pale Liam and throwing an arm over his shoulder as she finished the bag. "If you're uncomfortable, then just let me know, Hulk-Wolf."

"Hulk-Wolf?" Liam asked, looking up at her.

"You're a ticking time bomb," Neriah deadpanned. "The werewolf version of Hulk. Literally."

"She's got a point," Stiles hummed.

"Can we get back on track?" Kira cut in and they all nodded. "Okay. Is three enough?"

"Depends on how many cameras they have," Stiles said, looking around at them. "But I think so."

"Are we really doing this?" Liam questioned, still allowing Neriah to have her arms over his shoulders which honestly surprised her.

"We're doing it," Scott firmly said. "Tonight."

"But isn't it kind of dangerous?"

"It's incredibly dangerous," Stiles admitted. "And borderline idiotic."

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam asked.

"Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?"

"If so, then yes for both," Neriah said, moving her arm away.

Liam nervously looked around at them and then down at his hands, considering their words.

"You don't have to be part of it if you don't want to," Scott gently said.

"He's right," Neriah added, nodding her head. "None of us blame you if you wanna back out or if you're scared. There's been heaps of times where Stiles screamed like a little girl because of one of our plans." Stiles took offence to that, flipping her off.

"I'm not scared," Liam stated.

"Then you're borderline idiotic." Stiles grabbed his shoulder with a wink before looking back at Scott. "If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?"

"Which is why I'm going after The Benefactor if this works," Neriah said. "I can't die, and Chris has taught me a hell of a lot about how to hunt."

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira quickly asked before Stiles could argue with Neriah.

"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation required," Scott answered and Neriah snapped her head to him, not knowing he had Garrett's bag.

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