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"Are you sure about this?" Scott asked Neriah, lounging on her bed the next morning as she slipped her shoes on. "You just got back yesterday."

"I already called my school and your school," Neriah said, smiling over her shoulder at him. "All my classes are getting transferred over and I'll be schooling with you guys again since I've got no idea how long I'm here for."

"I'm guessing that means you still haven't heard from Isaac then?"

Neriah felt her heart drop as she looked away, standing up with her school bag. "No, I heard from him," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "He told me he needed some time to think about us...Alone."

"Wait what?" Scott shot up, concern covering his face when sadness started to steam off her body. "Riah, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because it sucks," she quietly said, walking out her door with him following close behind with his bag. "I knew he would be upset, but I didn't expect him to tell me that he needed space."

Scott gently grabbed her arm, stopping her at the top of the stairs to face him. "Believe me, I know how much relationships suck at times," he said and then pulled her into a hug. "If you wanna talk then you know you can talk to me."

"Yeah, I know," she quietly said, hugging him back as her heart ached. "I really missed you, Scotty."

"I missed you too." He laughed, rubbing her back. "It was so weird not having you here. Do you know how many times I watched Harry Potter on my own?"

She laughed then, pulling away with a smile. "Never thought I would hear you admit to watching Harry Potter on your own."

"Is that my daughter's voice?" Melissa shouted from downstairs before running around the corner, stopping at the bottom of the stairs with wide eyes as Neriah and Scott looked at her with smiles. "Neriah!"

"Hey, Mom," Neriah chirped, rushing down the stairs and into Melissa's open arms.

"Oh, my God! You're back!" Melissa squealed, rocking back and forth as Neriah wrapped her arms around her. "I knew I heard your voice! When did you come back?"

"I got here late last night," Neriah informed her as Scott stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "I was going to wait up until you got home, but the jet lag knocked me out."

Melissa pulled away, gently grabbing Neriah's face with a soft smile. "I'm just happy to see you home," she breathed and then slowly, concern covered her face. "Wait, what about France? Is everything okay?"

Neriah's shoulders dropped, and she sadly smiled. "Everything is okay with Mr. Argent, but, uh, there are a few problems with Isaac at the moment. But don't worry, I'll figure it out."

"Oh, honey," Melissa softly cooed, pushing Neriah's hair out of her face. "You and Isaac love each other very much and I know you'll both figure out your problems. Until then, you can stay here for as long as you want."

"Thank you," Neriah whispered and then pulled on the strap of her bag tighter as Melissa moved her hands away. "Well, me and Scott should probably get to school before we're late. I still got a Lydia to find who doesn't know I'm back yet."

"Yes, school! Okay," Melissa said, looking at Scott with a smile. "You two better head off then and I'll see you both later."

Scott threw his arm over Neriah's shoulders, leading her toward the door. "We love you."


The second Neriah parked her bike at school, Lydia was already pulling her into a tight hug with Malia, Kira, and Stiles behind her as Scott got off his bike.

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