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"Hale!" Coach shouted, making the girl halt beside Stiles as they walked toward the bench as other players warmed up for tonight's scrimmage. Neriah looked at him walking toward her and groaned. "Your tryouts start now."

"Now?" Neriah asked, looking down at her jeans, white hoodie, and combat boots. "Coach, I don't have a uniform."

"And she doesn't know the plays," Stiles added. "Or have a stick, or any gear for that matter."

Coach held up a Beacon Hills jersey with the number fourteen on the back, making her heart drop. "Matthews threw up five minutes ago and can't play. Lahey's number is now yours and Scott has your gear."

"Oh, God," Stiles whispered with a cringe as Neriah took the jersey, staring at the number while Coach handed him the playbook before walking away. "You okay, Riah?"

Neriah nodded her head, throwing the jersey over her shoulder while taking the playbook from him. "Get Scott and meet me in the locker room."

Stiles hesitated but nodded before heading over to Scott and Kira while Neriah walked in the opposite direction back toward the locker room.

A few lacrosse players nodded at her when she passed, but she ignored them all and pulled out her phone, walking into the empty locker room. She knew that calling him would be a bad idea, but she needed to talk to him.

The phone rang a few times as she paced in front of the sinks, chewing the top of her thumb until, "Hey, this is Isaac. If I haven't answered, then it's probably because I'm annoying my beautiful girlfriend."—Neriah's laugh echoed at the other end of the line—"Leave a message and maybe I'll get back to you." Then the phone beeped.

A few tears lined Neriah's eyes as she leaned back against a sink, staring at the floor with the phone still to her ear.

Scott slowed down, stopping outside the locker room with Stiles behind him as he heard Neriah's voice. "Isaac," Neriah croaked, and Scott's face fell as he looked back at a confused Stiles. "I know you're mad at me and I don't blame you, okay? I would be mad at myself too...But please, can you call me back or send me a message? I—What happened to us? It can't just be because I left to come find Derek...And if it is, then maybe I didn't know you as well as I thought."

"What is it?" Stiles whispered, stepping closer to the door. "What can you hear?"

"Riah's crying," Scott breathed, dropping his head as Stiles' face fell. "Isaac still won't answer her."

"Please call me Isaac," Neriah said with a sniffle. "I got your jersey tonight for the lacrosse scrimmage. I'm playing your number and I would love for you to come to one of my games soon—only if you want to. Just—Please talk to me, Isaac...I love you."

"Coach gave her Isaac's jersey?" Scott raised a brow at Stiles.

"Yeah, and she looked broke when she noticed it," Stiles mumbled, leaning back against the wall. "He broke her heart, huh?"

Scott only nodded and then walked into the locker room just as Neriah turned around, dressed in Isaac's jersey and lacrosse pants for tonight while starting to plat her hair.

"You remember all those times we made you train with us?" Scott asked her, holding up a lacrosse stick as she nodded. "Good, because you're gonna kick ass tonight."

Neriah tried to smile but failed as more tears filled her eyes. "I don't wanna play," she admitted, turning her back to them and looking in the mirror. "I don't wanna replace him on the field."

"You aren't replacing anyone," Stiles gently said, walking toward her. "Remember sophomore year when Coach wanted you on the team? That was way before Isaac was even friends with us." He grabbed her shoulders, looking at her broken eyes in the mirror. "You're Neriah fucking Hale. A Hybrid Alpha, the scariest person we know, and also the strongest person we know. Tonight, you're playing for the team, for us, and for you. Now come on. Let that sadness out on the field."

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