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"What do you mean he was set on fire and came back to life?" Neriah asked into the phone, driving to Derek's loft.

"That's what he told us," Scott said. "Apparently he was set on fire and then he walked back into the police station alive."

"That doesn't make any sense," Neriah groaned, stopping at a stop sign before continuing down the road. "And Derek doesn't know what Parrish is?"

"Not a single clue," Scott muttered. "There's another thing you should know about Derek," he said in a hushed tone and Neriah grew worried. "His eyes, his strength, the healing...all of it is gone."

"Gone?" Neriah shrieked, nearly slamming on the brakes. "Put that sour wolf on the damn phone!"

"Oh, shit," Scott whispered. "Riah wants to talk to you and she's pissed."

"What the hell did you tell her?" Neriah heard Derek groan. A few seconds later, he spoke into the phone. "Hey, my fav—"

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" she harshly cut him off.

"I'm gonna kill you, McCall," Derek muttered.

"You're not gonna do shit since you've lost your damn—"

A scream left Neriah as a black SUV crashed into her side of the car, making glass shatter as she lost control of the steering wheel. Her head connected with her window, making her phone fly out of her hand as she braced herself better. The car that crashed into hers kept driving, forcing her car down the road and pain rocked against Neriah's whole body.

"Neriah!" Derek yelled into the phone, hearing her scream and the crash with Scott. "Neriah what's happening?"

But she couldn't answer him as the SUV pinned the other side of her car up against a tree.

"Riah! Answer us!" Scott shouted into the phone after taking it from Derek.

"Abbott Street!" Neriah screamed at the top of her lungs, praying they heard her over the engine of the other car revving.

She looked out her shattered window, barely able to see the SUV reverse as blood dripped down her forehead and into her right eye, causing it to sting. The driver's door of the SUV opened and Neriah started to stress out, pushing at her door to open when she noticed a dagger in the masked person's hand. The closer the person got, the faster her body went into overdrive to survive.

"Open you piece of shit!" she spat, punching her door that dented but didn't open.

A small cry left her lips when she tried to move her legs, only for a shattering pain to race up her body, telling her they were broken. The masked man got a few feet away and smoke started to fill her lungs from the engine of her car.

"Scott!" she yelled, tears filling her eyes. "Derek!"

"We're almost there!" Scott yelled into the phone. "Just hold on!"

"Don't come," she said with a shaky voice, facing the man. "It's an assassin."

"Right, you are," the man drawled, stopping at her window with a purge mask on. "Thirty-five million for a face like yours is worth it."

"You can't kill—" An ear-splitting scream left her lungs as the masked man stabbed the knife into her chest, making her body jerk forward from the pain. Then he pulled it out, only to stab her again. And again. And again.

Neriah screamed each time, the pain unbearable as tears streamed down her face. She'd been hurt many times, but never repeatedly like she was now.

The corners of her vision turned black, moving closer to each other and blocking out her sight as her throat turned raw and her lungs heaved, struggling to take in air. Just as she felt herself about to pass out, she closed her eyes, silencing her screams. Visions of her mother and brother played through her head, reminding her of who was waiting for her if she actually could die.

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