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Early in the morning, before even the sun could rise, a small group gathered in the courtyard of Charity Hall. Two mules ladened with supplies stamped impatiently and chewed on their bits, ready to set out. Denver and Zoey stood side by side while saying goodbye to Lord Kevin, his knight Noah, and his nurse Madam Marie. Orrick spoke with the mules, preparing them for the journey ahead. Even though they were not intelligent, the young fox still treated them as such and wanted them to be in the loop just as much as the humans. Den kept adjusting his pack, feeling that it was far too light. He also wanted Hatchling to have a comfortable perch on his shoulders. Edward hastened from the castle, a parchment fluttering in his hand.

"Is everything alright, your majesty?" Madam Marie questioned when she saw the prince's hurry.

"Yes, all is well, I am simply trying to finish this letter before we go."

"What's it about?" Zoey asked.

Edward swallowed hard and answered, "I'm writing to Aaron. I do not know how he is taking all this, so I wanted to make sure he is okay and..."

The girl patted her friend's shoulder. "I understand."

"But... what if he doesn't? What if he thinks I'm trying to... I know not how to put this into words..."

"Edward," Denver said kindly. "I know he resents you for whatever reason, but if you do not send that letter, it may cause more ill feelings. Even if he is offended today by your outreach, tomorrow he may see what you were truly doing and forgive you."

The prince nodded and suddenly trembled in sorrow. "Grandmother used to say... 'A seed of kindness may first appear to be a weed but it will soon rise into a magnificent rose.' I think I finally understand what she meant." He rolled the parchment and turned to Kevin, who whistled shrilly. As if it came from the very dirt they walked upon, a red bird with feathers like fire rose from the ground and perched upon the lord's outstretched arm. It turned an endlessly black eye upon the prince as he stepped forward and offered the letter. "Take this to Prince Aaron of Calcasia. I hear that he currently resides in the Winter Lakes Lodge with Sir Mallik of the Sky Knights."

The sun-howler extended a wing over the letter, making it erupt into flames. Zoey started but said nothing, seeing that she was the only one to react so. When the parchment had completely burned from Edward's hands, he stepped back and the creature took to the skies. After a few flaps, it too ignited into a ball of fire and disappeared. However, Zoey thought she caught a glimpse of its shadow, but it was too brief to know for certain.

"So that's a sun-howler..." she murmured.

"Oh, heh, I suppose that is the first time you've seen one," Denver chuckled. "Remind me later and I'll teach you how to summon them. Sun-howlers sure can help when in a pinch."

Without further ado, the group cried their last goodbyes and tugged the mules down the path from Charity Hall. By the time they reached the bottom of the hill and re-joined the main road, the sun peeked over the horizon and painted the land in light and shadows.

"It'll be about a day's walk from here," stated Denver.

"Already to TeKi Lake?" asked Den.

"Hardly!" Denver answered. His countenance fell. "I just need to prepare myself for what lies between here and there."

"And what is that?" Zoey wondered.

"The Valley of Tears," replied Orrick. His eyes glossed as he recounted the tale told to him as just a tiny pup. "Long ago when the Guardians were just born, a crazed man came into battle with humans and dragons and the Southern Reaches. He slaughtered people left and right, bringing into existence the deceivers and using them as an unstoppable army of shapeshifters. The balance of the world was completely thrown into disarray, making this time known as the War of Caos.

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