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"Is she awake? I think I saw her eyes flutter..."

"I don't know! Stand back, don't crowd the girl."

"That's the Sword, isn't it?"

"I thought the Merciful had it... Has he died already?"

"Sir, should I make them leave the room?"

"I said back up, people! She's not gonna get better if you all breathe on her."

The murmur of people finally pulled Zoey awake. She was laying on her back, her arm tightly held against her chest. As she cracked her eyes open, someone cried, "She's waking up!" The crowd became instantly silent.

Zoey groaned. "What happened?" she asked. "Where am I?"

A sturdy hand lifted her into a sitting position, where she could see a bit better. She laid upon a bed of hay, soft and pokey at the same time. A few feet from her, Orrick lay in his usual curl, bandages around his legs and half his body.

"You're in Manki Village," said the man who supported Zoey. "We're very lucky to find you."

"It's a good thing we needed more meat at that moment!" a young and vibrant voice called out. It belonged to a youthful boy who carried a light bow. He twanged the string to his bow and added, "I wonder what deceiver tastes like..."

"Wouldn't that be cannibalism?" asked a quiet, thoughtful teen.

"Anyways!" said the man as he dragged the conversation back to Zoey. "I need to ask you something. That deceiver that spoke to you... what did she say her name is?"

"Grenua," answered Zoey.

The man sighed. "That's what I feared." He turned to another man and said, "Write a letter to the capital. Make sure it is addressed of the upmost importance so that it arrives at the queen's table. Tell her about this girl and about Grenua."

"Sir!" the man saluted in a strange fashion before he ran off to fulfil his commands.

"The capital?" asked Zoey. "Markova?"

"What other capital?" asked the boy.

"Is that where you were going?" questioned the teen.

"Stop it, stop it!" commanded the man. "Leave the girl alone. She just about died not six hours ago. And even if she hadn't, she is clearly carrying the Sword of Nahora. Her business is none of our own."

The people gathered around her grumbled and reluctantly pulled away. The thoughtful teen remained, however. She gave Zoey a bowl of thin soup, which had a bitter aftertaste. Then she laid Zoey back down and told her to sleep. Zoey wanted to protest, but she was hopelessly exhausted. Even on the prickly hay, she slept soundly.


With morning came the crow of the rooster. The little village came alive as farmers left to till the fields, shepherds led their flocks to pastures, and hunters prepared their bows and knives. Zoey sat up on her own shortly before someone brought her soup and medicine. It was the same teenage girl who had nursed Zoey the night before.

"I presume you slept soundly?"

Zoey nodded. "It was very refreshing, thank you. What's your name, by the way?"

The girl smiled softly. "Hanna," she answered. Then she set aside the bowl and added, "I didn't see any open wounds, but you have a lot of bruising in your... well, everywhere. Do you mind if I check for any broken bones?"

"Not at all, Hanna."

The girl then helped Zoey to her feet. She swayed a moment but regained her balance as the blood returned to her tired feet. Hanna tenderly took off Zoey's dress, careful to not show any emotions. She tenderly touched each bruise on Zoey's chest but determined no ribs to be broken. Then she began to examine the back.

"Oh my," Hanna suddenly stated. It was a passive statement, as though she had remembered a silly mistake.

"What is it!?" Zoey cried, fearful of what was just discovered.

"Um... do you feel anything in your low right shoulder area?"

"No. Why?"

"Well... Please don't panic or anything, but... you have an infected cut back here."

Zoey gaped at the news. How on earth could she not feel that? "What kind of cut?" she asked quietly.

"It looks like it was just a scratch... maybe a stab from a very sturdy stick. Something that normally would be of no concern." Hanna then untied Zoey's supported arm to lay her face down upon the haybed. "Wait here a moment."

When Hanna returned, she carried a bundle in her arms. However, she was careful to keep the content of her bundle hidden from Zoey's view. After a few minutes of shuffling sounds and faint tinkling, Hanna warned, "This is probably going to hurt."

"Do you have something I could bite on?"

Hanna took a ball of linen clothes and packed it into Zoey's mouth. A moment of hesitation, then Hanna began to scrape the puss and infected skin out of the wound. The pain was almost unbearable, paralyzing Zoey and causing her to sweat. She clamped down upon the linen in her mouth, using whatever strength she had left to prevent screaming. For three eternal minutes, Hanna removed as much festering skin as possible. Then she took a clean cloth, soaked it in witch hazel, and laid it upon the raw skin. As it rested and cleaned the remainder of the small gash, Hanna prepared a fresh bandage and some balm. Once it was wrapped, the teen lifted Zoey to her knees and retied her arm.

"Is it broken?" Zoey suddenly asked, trying to get her mind off the pain in her back.

"I don't think so, just a very bad sprain. But it wouldn't hurt to have a healer take a look at it when you arrive in Markova. They are much more gifted than I am. But as you are, I think you are well enough to continue on your way. And the deceivers don't normally come this north, so you shouldn't have to worry about them anymore."

"Thanks, but what about Orrick?"

Hanna looked at the little fox. He still lay curled up, and the only sign of life was the wriggle of his nose as he subconsciously sniffed the air for any threats.

"Well," she said hesitantly. "Whatever happened to him was quite violent. I could tell he had quite a few fractures, but I'm not entirely sure how to handle them. I don't work on animals much, and certainly never spines or anything so detrimental."

"Will he live?"

Hanna hung her head. "I don't know. It's a miracle he made it this far."

"How far is it to Markova?"

"Two days' journey on a horse, but in your condition, it will probably take longer."

Zoey tapped a knee and thought. "Is there any way to contact Shocney?"

"The Great White Wolf? You know him? He hardly ever leaves his post guarding the Southern Reaches!"

"According to Orrick, that's where I met him, the Southern Reaches. Well, just north of that place, but still pretty close. From what went down, I think Shocney came after Orrick because he left his responsibilities."

"Well, this is most interesting indeed... But what could Shocney do to help you?"

"He was escorting me and Orrick before the deceivers attacked us. I was hoping he could help me get on the right path."

"And you have hoped correctly, Lady Zoey!" Shocney exclaimed. He entered the room where she had been resting, his white fur somehow brightening the dark space.

"Shocney!" Zoey cried, almost falling upon the wolf's neck.

The wolf allowed the girl to hug him for a moment, but as soon as she released him, he turned to the fox. "I have seen worse, but Orrick is not among the toughest. I believe we could get to Markova in time, but it will be quite a strain for you, Lady Zoey."

"If it means saving him, I'll put up with another week of exhaustion."

Shocney nodded then turned to Hanna. The girl had been staring in amazement at the great white wolf. His reputation did not even do him justice. When she sensed his eyes upon her, she curtsied and said, "I will prepare medicine right away and let the men at the stables know. I'll also send out a sun-howler to the village Half so that they can have a fresh horse and some food and water ready for you."

"Thank you. Lady Zoey, let us be off."

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