The Joyous Reunion

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For the rest of the morning, Edward helped Tankan and Kaas and the soldier prepare for their return journey. Everyone could clearly see the prince's worries for his family and his people, but he put them aside to help Zoey finish the quest given to her in the scroll.

After Tankan and the others left, Zoey and Edward wandered about the corridors of Charity Hall. Neither they nor Den were ready to depart again, so the trio decided to spend the night there. Orrick had again disappeared, therefore Zoey asked Edward to help her find the fox so they could relay the decision. Plus, this was the perfect time to become familiar with the castle.

They eventually found the entrance to the secret tunnels that Kevin had mentioned in his speech at the Charity Hall Ball. Since Edward did not feel like getting lost for hours on end, he requested a passing resident to guide them through the tunnels.

"Oh, you don't need anyone to guide you," answered the resident. He reached behind the door and withdrew a small lantern that glowed blue. "This will illuminate directions at each corner and you can get to just about anywhere you like with these. There are miles of uncharted tunnels beneath us, and some speculate that you can reach just about anywhere in the world from them. But if you can't find any directions, I suggest turning back, because who knows what lives down there."

The two thanked the passerby, took the lantern, and plunged into the dark tunnels with only that blue glow. At some point, Zoey drew the Sword of Nahora to add to their light. Edward said little, still stunned by the news of that morning. Zoey respected his mourning state and also remained quiet. But as they traversed the tunnels, they slowly walked closer together, and before either knew it, their hands were entwined together. Still, they did not—could not—speak.

"Let's go to the dragon roost," Edward stated when they came to a crossroads with several directions.

"I don't..."

"It's okay, Zoey. They won't hurt you."

"Alright, I suppose."

When they emerged from the darkness of the tunnels, the sun was still high in the sky, as though the seemingly hours spent in the labyrinth had all taken but a minute. Edward murmured something about magic, but Zoey could not understand him and dared not ask for clarification. Besides, even if she had worked up the courage to question, something large in the sky rushed past them and drew their attention to a structure. It reminded Zoey of what the Colosseum must have looked like back during its prime, but it was much taller than the Roman amphitheatre. This structure went up a few hundred feet, and each level was speckled with arches of several sizes. The ground level had a low ceiling, about ten feet, but all the others above it rose to as much as thirty feet. The glazed honey-coloured sandstone glimmered in the sunlight, and several tiny sockets sat between each arch with glossy wax dripping beneath them.

Quite a few people wandered about on the ground level. Some carried all sorts of oddities as they raced to and fro between the dragon roost and Charity Hall. A group of men wearing all black leather stood together and spoke to themselves. A red sun halved with a white moon glittered on their shoulders.

"What are the Dragon Riders doing here?" Edward noted. He approached the group, who nodded at him. He saluted in Calcasian fashion and asked, "Forgive me if I seem prying, but what brings such esteemed men of Halloway to Calcasia?"

The leader glared at the prince and answered, "What is it to you? I'm sure servant boys such as yourself have better things to be doing."

"I am not a servant," Edward returned. "And my curiosity has its roots."

At that moment, a passing resident recognized the prince. In her shock, she curtsied to him and tremblingly stuttered, "Y-your majesty, how may I serve you?"

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