The Prisoner II

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"Wha... What just happened?" Zoey stared at her shoulder, trying to make out the pain she ought to be experiencing. But she couldn't feel anything, not even the sensation of the arm just existing. She looked up at the woman who sat across from her.

"You were distracted by a nuisance, so I got rid of it."

"H... how?"

"Is that really important?"

"I would think so..."

Completely ignoring Zoey's questions, the woman stated, "My name is Tatl Enasi. I am a prisoner in this tow—"

"Are we on Teconis Island?"

"It is rude to interrupt your elders. But yes, we are on Teconis Island."

"So then... this is the Tower of Nahora?"

"It is."

Zoey studied Tatl for a long moment. Then she jumped forward, her left hand stretched out to grab the Sword of Nahora when it would fly towards her. It didn't. It flashed blue for a brief moment until Tatl snatched it, and its glow faded to nothing. Zoey continued with her attack, too full of adrenaline to realize what just happened. Her shoulder spiked in pain, paralyzing her whole body, and she fell to the ground.

"Not very civil, are we?" Tatl questioned. Aside from grabbing the Sword, she had not moved an inch, and she narrowed her sparkling ocean eyes upon the paralyzed Zoey.

Grenua wordlessly picked up the Guardian and returned her to a chair. After a few more minutes of excruciating pain, Zoey could think straight again and focus on her adversary.

"Now. Let's not do that again," Tatl commanded. A heavy scowl darkened her face.

"What did you do to me?" Zoey whispered.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because you're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

"That is possible."

Zoey gritted her teeth and glared at Tatl.

"Now, now, none of that, I don't want things to get ugly."

Her shoulder flared up for a moment, like a warning signal to keep the Guardian in check.

"As I was saying, Zoey McKnight, let's talk business."

"What do you want?"

"Oh, hostile. Careful, Zoey, remember who's in control here. As for this Sword... well, at the moment, it's certainly not you." Tatl grasped the hilt of the blade and lifted it from her knees. Zoey's heart skipped a beat.

"You're... you're a Bladekeeper?"

Tatl threw her head back and laughed, a silky and firm tone with a strange hollow echo. "If only that were so," she said, suddenly becoming sombre and a bitter note entering her voice. "If only that were so..." she repeated. Pushing herself off the chair, Tatl twirled the Sword and approached a window. "You know, Zoey, spending years on end alone in a tower really makes one reflect on their circumstances. I've spent a long while figuring out my enemies versus my friends, as well as a plan to get out of here. At first I was sorely bent on your death. But then I realized something." Tatl paused and turned to Zoey, who continued to glare at her. "Zoey, isn't there a saying? The best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend?"

"I will never be your friend."

"Never say never."

Zoey's eyes darted to the Sword in Tatl's hands. She winced a moment from the shock of pain.

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