spinning on helium

16 1 0

Dear you,

and maybe, some people are on the quest to find a middle ground between greed and sainthood. The ones for whom finding, meeting or having something unchanging would always end with a corroded and outdated list of realisations. Maybe, it's just not humane to adore life and hence, we salvage our inconspicuous cocoons.

Although on the contrary, i would have said that there do exist exceptions who might not be blind to this prejudice but chuck optimism. i mean if you really decipher it all, there's not one shred of silver lining.

let me explain;

a friend is just someone who's still figuring out how to tell you that they don't want to be your friend anymore, go outside even if the outside is on fire because by the time you're grown up it'll probably be more on fire, i guess. go inside, and your head might get crazy to find the next random thing to obsess about. when it's good, it's pretty good. when it's bad, it's never bad enough.
a lover is just someone who hates their body so damn much they'd rather look at yours instead. Our mind ain't nothing but a paradox, using itself to understand itself.
college is a scam. pics or it didn't happen. if nobody knows you exist, you don't.
one day, you're gonna get so sad you'll cross the road with eyes closed, but it still won't suck half as bad the next day when you find out that the kid you once met died on the end of the line. your skull still won't ricochet with the countenance of him however hard you might persuade it to reel back in time. a gun is kinda like cigarettes and drugs except you can call quits on the first shot if you aim it right. someday, you're gonna be so old that you won't be able to fuckin' cry anymore, so instead, you're just gonna spend it rummaging through your listless life waiting to die.

Fuck this sham. istg, let's die. ( uh, but that would contravene with your everlong wish of dying in the end.)

PS: sometimes, i pretend i forgot to lock the door.

idk what anything i say, honestly. my heart and mind have given up on making any sense, so oops.

Oh gawd, i'm not dying and it was obvious that you were talking through the college's desktop. smh, that's basic shit. xD

And sorry, had an exam at that time. So, i couldn't respond.

aye gulzar sahib and then, you've the audacity of undermining yourself. ( this was meant for your header and the para you referred to as "BS".)

Uh, yes i meant i expect whatever you wrote.

Okay done, the next time you can't think of what to write about, try this. Write about anything reclusive which you don't intend to write or think about. i do that, sometimes. i swear, it sounds so dumb and funny. i can seriously do away with a joke, pwease.

Say for example:

people in Wyoming don't really exist, and i can never find the right clothes for my penguins.

umm, okay that was silly and my cue to go.

Wait, and do i send it to both the mail ID's?

Until next time, see ya soon. ( i kinda like to keep it in letter format?) and wait, am i late? urgh, it takes time to come up with something tactful.


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