Chapter 3: The Blood Somehow Rolls Out

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Alone. 'Being alone while being murdered is the worst way to die', I always said that. Hey at least I was killed or drugged with all my friends.... starting with me. At least my friends got a hint of what will happen to them.
My ears ring as my throat closes. It feel like I'm choking but my body is not reacting. My body feels like a semi-awake state, it can't react or move. It just dreams and feels.
The only situation I can picture myself being right now is either dropped dead in Pepper's backyard and my soul is still stuck here or some random place where I will probably be murdered or go mad. . Well if I die at least my last words were 'Ahhh!' and not something stupid like 'See you in the next life'. . !
Dixie dragged her own body to a corner as blood was drooling out her mouth. She coughed and splattered blood on the trail as she dragged. Since she was drugged, her body was paralyzed to not swallow the blood that somehow came into her mouth from the blood that got on her clothes.
As she gagged she held her mouth, not wanting to vomit. The blood leaked out of her mouth like a running faucet as tears fell into her eyes. She gagged over and over and she kneeled onto the floor. It was red and slim as if it was not real blood. She was in too much pain to notice some got onto her hands and deep into her bitten nails.
Fear struck into her eyes as she rose up from her kneeling position. She wiped her mouth with her sweater sleeve. Wait. I don't remember wearing a sweater. Dixie thought. She looked at her new sweater. The sweater was green with a sandy beach.
She finally looked at herself. All the blood was off her. Her shirt was gone and replaced with the green sweater, at least that was what Dixie thought. On her right arm, there was a gray cuff with '#33' written on it.
My clothes ain't important right now Dixie. She thought to herself. She decided that interrogating the room is more important than the change of clothes. As her thoughts made their decision, she looked around the room.
The place looked like if Dixie was from a insane asylum. In the cases that she wasn't drugged, she would make a joke about it like 'Dang it, they finally found the lunatic!!'. There was a coffee table close to the entrance. It had two chairs across from each other, it reminded Dixie of those adorable independent coffee shops that Zoë and Pepper went to all the time. "Wow. Maybe they just wanna have coffee and talk to me. They just kidnapped me cause I'm that great!" Dixie gleamed as she put her hands on her hips.
She finally noticed the door as the door handle shook. Her flight or flight responses kicked in as the door opened. She backed herself up to a corner and observed. In her mind, she pictured Zoë getting mad that she isn't fighting back.
A masked figure walked in. He had a formal outfit and slicked black hair. He wore a white fox mask with drawn fangs on the sides of his mouth.
He looked around the room until he spot Dixie. He came slowly towards her as she tried to scruff up her appearance like a peacock using their feathers to intimate others. He went slower as he came close to contact. He tried to grab her right arm but she kicked him in the gut. He flinched and his left arm held onto his stomach.
Before Dixie could retract her leg, the masked guy grabbed and pulled her down. A little yelp came out of Dixie. He dragged her by the leg as Dixie tried to get up. He dragged her to the coffee table and made her sit down in the chair. "You all suck!" She struggled as the masked man handcuffed her left wrist to the chair.
She struggled until she realized the silence. She and the man next to her sat in silence. It was awkward and awful like she was waiting for someone. She never experiences this feeling since everyone waits on her. She heard footsteps, one by one coming closer to the room. To her.
She saw Cruz and another masked man. Cruz sat down in the chair across from her. The masked man stood next to the door. Cruz smirked as if he was waiting for this. The only thing between Dixie and Cruz was the 'coffee' table.
"You son of a b-" Dixie screamed as rage filled inside of her as a flood would filled a mason jar. She tried to attack him by getting across the table but that plan immediately failed.
She was immediately overtaken by the masked men. She fought one as another jabbed her with a unknown substance. She plopped back in to the chair as the effects started to kick in.
"It's funny that you are mad at me. I should be mad at you, for ruining my plan," Cruz claimed,
"You were like a rapid dog back at the house. Such a mess of blood from that nose-bleed you made." Cruz continued.
Dixie didn't listen, she felt dazed and her vision was blurred. "Well what do you want from us?" She sighed, she said it as if Cruz was with that 'us'. Cruz looked confused and thought for a second and said, "Uhm well, you guys are my friends so I want you guys to work with me!". Dixie finally looked at him. He looked different but it might've been from the drugs she been on.
"May I ask.. who do you work with or is this a 'they work for me'?" Dixie asked before giggling,
"Well no, I work with a group of vam- PEOPLE," Cruz answered, sounding mysterious,
"Okay so why are you in here?"
"To make sure you have a smooth trip!"
A wave of unease hit Dixie as if she was being watched. She turned around to notice a camera she haven't seen before.
Before she could ask, a wave of pain hit her. Blood started dripping from her right wrist. She didn't see but she knew there were spikes hitting her skin.
She looked to notice they were all gone. The door was locked again. Her left wrist was free. They left her by herself. But, she didn't wanna die alone. She couldn't die alone, or whatever would happen to her. Alone.

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