Chapter 11: The Bite, The Vampires, and The Seth.

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"I'm not having this with you," Ella nonchalantly said as she rolled her eyes,
"Just one bite Ella, you don't have to be greedy with your blood," Cruz begged,
"It's MY blood, it helps me live!"
Ella laughed, not believing she had to explain this to someone.
After Seth got bitten and taken away to the storage room, Cruz has tried to convince Ella to join them. They got tired of standing so they sat at the integration table. Ella obviously wouldn't agree to it, but it'd be a fun game to see how hard Cruz would beg til he gave up: surprisingly, it takes more than an hour.
As Ella opened her eyes from laughing, her mouth almost dropped. Seth's cuffed hands were slowly getting closer to Cruz's throat, like a snake waiting to catch its prey. Ella tried to not stare, but distract Cruz. She knew this was a escape plan.
As Cruz looked up, Seth immediately hit and clinged his hands close to Cruz's throat. Cruz immediately tried to use his nails to pierce his Seth's skin.
Pepper burst out of the door and immediately ran to Ella.
"Give me it," Pepper commanded, Ella's eyes lit up,
"My hand?" Ella said as she held her hand lightly on Pepper's.
"No! Your pocket!"
Pepper yanked the vile out of Ella's shirt pocket. She threw the antidote to Zoë as Zoë ran towards Cruz. Zoë caught it and opened the wooden cork. The concoction smelled good, but Zoë knew not to drink it. She knew she'd be dumb if she did.
She looked at Cruz, he looked terrified. Sadly, his mouth wasn't open so she couldn't just slam-dunk the vile down his throat.
"Hurry Zoë, my arms are starting to hurt!" Seth whined and Zoë rolled her eyes.
As Cruz gasped for breath, Zoë slipped a third of the vile down his throat. Seth lightened his grip as Cruz digested the liquid. Cruz laid back on the chair and immediately passed out.
"Weak! I'd be awake still if I was vampire," Ella bragged,
"Shut up," Seth hissed and rolled his eyes,
Seth moved his hands away from Cruz as Zoë handed him the vile. Seth frowned but grabbed onto the vile and a sipped a bit.
"More," Zoë commanded,
"I was bitten not transformed," Seth explained
"By now, you probably are a vampire. Drink more,"
"Big jerk, " Seth mumbled as he drinked another sip.
He shook his head and immediately handed the vile back to Zoë, it was quite obvious he didn't like the taste.
"Do I let go now?!" Dixie said loudly as she still gripped on the doorknob. Honestly, Zoë forgot Dixie was there, still holding the door. Everyone in the other room backed up, getting ready to fight their former friend. Who'll be their friend in like: 5 minutes.
The door immediately opened, getting Dixie crushed by the door. Bree looked obviously mad. If they didn't have some sort of plan, Bree would have immediately killed them. She bared her teeth, showing her fangs as she walked closer to the room. "Do you guys even understand what you have done?!" Bree growled, "I wanted a perfect life with ALL of my friends, I should not be SHOVED in a room for that!"
Bree stepped closer, only 3 feet away from Zoë. Zoë looked at Bree. This was not her talking anymore. This was something else. Something evil. "Zoë, just give me that vile and we can be happy together. We can live forever and do whatever we want!" Bree suggested as she tried to switch posture to a more positive outlook.
Zoë stopped for moment. She realized, this was her decision: She had the vile. Zoë hand's started to shake. She could be free, hopefully, forever or be happy, technically forever.
"Zoë, trust me," Bree said with a smile. For a moment, it sounded like Bree.
Seth looked at the tension of those two. He knew Zoë wasn't gonna win. She'd give her the vile. Bree moved closer, giving Zoë a pleading look.
"No!" Seth screamed as he grabbed the vile from Zoë's hand and ran to Bree. Bree tried to move out of Seth's way but Seth slammed the vile in her mouth.
Seth backed away as Bree started to stumble, "You.. guys.. suck!" Bree uttered as she was about to fall over,
Dixie grabbed her before Bree could hit the ground and grabbed the, now empty, vile from her mouth. Dixie laid down Bree slowly and searched her pockets,
"Steal her wallet!" Ella screamed in excitement, but Pepper elbowed Ella to shut up. Dixie found keys linked together with a metal circle. That was then, they realized. There's probably a key hole for the cuffs.
Dixie tried multiple keys on her cuffs until one clicked, she twisted it. She mumbled in pain as she tried to take the cuff off. Everyone seemed confused until they saw.
There was spikes in her cuff. They pierced her skin and caused some scarring on her wrist. That's when Zoë realized, Pepper's did the same thing!
Dixie handed the keys to Zoë. As they passed the keys along, everyone started to free themselves from the cuff. As they finished, Pepper tucked the keys in her pocket and looked up.
Now there mission is too escape. Right after carrying Bree and Cruz too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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