Chapter 7: Oh My, Ana-Bye,

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"So, Strawberry. Who are these people?" Zoë asked nonchalantly as they walked to the break room,
"What you mean?" Strawberry asked, looking down at her boots,
"Like- do these people know us?"
".. Yes? Kinda?"
"Why was there a pause?"
Strawberry continued to stay quiet as they walked past rooms and rooms. Zoë knew her friends were probably in each one of them. Zoë looked to see Pepper was ahead of Strawberry and Zoë by a mile shot.
Zoë thought it was sweet that Pepper still had hope. Hope of leaving, hope that her friends were gonna be okay.
Pepper saw a sign that wrote 'Break Room!' and Pepper walked in immediately and closed the door accidentally. Zoë and Strawberry followed and tried to open the door. Locked. Zoë's first thought was, She's doomed.
Strawberry turned her head to Zoë, "We better pray that it's not B.V.P," she muttered.
"I don't see an alter to pray on," Zoë honestly said, making Strawberry hide her face even more with laughter.
"T-That was a joke," Strawberry chuckled,
Pepper saw the room. The corner of the room had countertops, which looked like a kitchen. It was dark and Pepper couldn't barely see. The only colors she remotely saw was her blond hair and red shoes.
"It's real-" Pepper wanted to comment on the darkness but realized she was alone. She ran to the door and tried to unlock it. Stupid locks! Pepper raged.
"Number thirty six, you missing something?" A voice called but Pepper didn't know where. Pepper stopped in fear and let go of the doorknob. In the corner, farthest away from was a shadow, two purple spots gleamed as something slid out of the darkness. Her phone. A way of escape.
Pepper shuffled towards the phone, a bit paranoid, and grabbed it. She checked it, dead. She heard movement behind her and she turned around instantly.
A girl with brown hair and bangs stared at Pepper. She wore a black overall skirt with a white formal shirt underneath. She was short and had.. purple eyes?
"Uhm.. who are you?" Pepper asked,
"The vampires! That's who!" A familiar voice said,
Pepper turned around and a light from a presumed flashlight, appeared in the dim lit corner. Dixie's face appeared but she had purple eyes.
The bright lights turned on in the room, stunting Pepper. Pepper closed her eyes and rubs them. Once she opened them, Dixie was gone. Pepper turned around to see Dixie and the girl were right next to her. Closer to her than ever before.
"Uhm, hey Dixie-" Pepper waved before Dixie started nibbling on Pepper's arm.
The other girl just watched in awe as Pepper just stared in confusion. Who wouldn't stare in fear? This is strange as hell! Pepper thought. Luckily, it didn't hurt. It was more ticklish.
"Is she a vampire yet?" The girl asked Dixie,
"No obviously, it takes two hours! Do you feel vampire-y Pepper?" Dixie explained while she dislodged her mouth from Pepper's arm,
"Yes, I feel so 'vampire-y' I'm gonna start biting kids," Pepper sarcastically said,
Dixie became jaw dropped and looked at the girl. "Kids, Anabelle, we made her wanna bite kids!!" Dixie squealed in joy as she and Anabelle held hands and spinned around. Dixie and Anabelle looked like little girls playing ring around the rosy.
Pepper wanted to seek for help. These teens are acting like kids, that's creepy. It's like that one movie she and Zoë watched where the kids ate these adults while being happy go lucky. That's why she needed to get out of there.
While the 'vampires' were partying, Pepper ran to the door. "Let me out, let me out, let me out," Pepper mumbled as shaked the door handle for her life.
As if her prayers were answered the door opened, hitting her in the face. Zoë immediately knew what happened and rushed to help Pepper. "I told you not too hard on opening the door, Strawberry!" Zoë yelled as Strawberry put her credit card back in her pocket.
Dixie and Anabelle looked at the three girls as if they were caught. Strawberry noticed Dixie and Anabelle and looked at Pepper.
"Pepper did one of the girls bite you?" Strawberry sighed as Dixie twirled her hair in guilt,
"Yeah? They don't have sharp fangs," Pepper analyzed as she rub her arm.
"Great, you're a vampire now,"
"WHAT?!" Zoë yelled as she stepped away from Pepper as Pepper looked panicked,
"I'm kidding- I'm kidding! These people think they're vampires. Not their fault though," Strawberry explained,
Anabelle and Dixie looked at each other. Their purple eyes looked almost normal to them. Dixie saw herself barely through Anabelle's glasses. She pulled the skin beneath her right eye with her right hand.
"Why would people make others believe their vampires? We literally are vampires. " Anabelle said.
"Just let them have this, they might go through an identity crisis if not." Strawberry whispered to Zoë and Pepper.
Zoë walked over to Dixie. Dixie looked a little frightened like if this is the first time they met. She wouldn't be surprised if Dixie asked if she was real. That wouldn't be the first. Then, she looked at Anabelle. She's what Strawberry meant by 'more of us' isn't she? Well that means she probably and Dixie have to come with us, Zoë over-analyzed.
Zoë grabbed Dixie's wrist, something Zoë would be disgusted over if they weren't in this situation. Dixie seemed a bit uncomfortable. Strawberry already knowing what Zoë wants, grabbed Anabelle's hand. Anabelle willing held her hand in delight.
"So I'm not a vampire?" Pepper said, still confused,
"Nope, you're fine Pepper," Strawberry said as Dixie frowned a bit.
Even though Dixie was
reluctant, they all left the break room. While walking, Zoë thought it'd be a good idea to talk to Anabelle. She probably knew more than everyone here except for Strawberry. But Zoë still didn't trust Strawberry.
"So, random girl," Zoë said, not knowing her name,
"Anabelle?" Anabelle corrected Zoë,
"Yeah Anabelle, so there's ten of us stuck right now. I only know eight, plus you so nine. Who's the tenth?"
Anabelle looked down. Trying to slowly understand what Zoë wants to know.
"Oh, you mean Levi. He's my brother but we're not related. The B.V.P. has him, " Anabelle explained,
"Brother?-" Zoë tried to say something before a mist started to appear throughout the place they walked
Her first thought was, Oh! We're in Percy Jackson now, aren't we? Where are the satyrs? Then it came to her. They're being attacked.
She gripped her hand close to Dixie's and she did the flight in fight or flight responses. She ran far as Dixie was dragged along her feet. I guess she hasn't realized how small Dixie was for 14.
Zoë locked her and Dixie in a room in pure panic.
She and Dixie took a minute of rest. A minute to realize what Zoë had just done. A minute to realize she left Pepper behind.
Zoë sighed, full of guilt and looked up. Dixie looked knocked out cold. Zoë knew she wasn't because Dixie was breathing fastly and had her other hand clenched to her heart.
Zoë looked in front of her to see a computer that was on a video. The video was a camera angle of.. Cruz.

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