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I walked into my mate's cell, dagger in hand. She was already awake and on alert.
"For someone who was unconscious few minutes ago, you seem slightly well. Must be your vampirism fighting to heal you"
"Where is your brother?", she asked.
I shrugged.
"Somewhere safe"
She looked at me closely, as if she was observing me.
"You seem somewhat different"
"I am now. You should know why I'm different, seeing as you're a hybrid"
She looked confused. I rolled my eyes.
"You know how a vampire can allow himself to be controlled solely by his vampiric nature and in the process lose his emotions. Well, we werewolves can do that too. We allow our wolves complete dominance over us, not the type of dominance they have when we are in wolf form but total dominance. We lose our emotions. I don't want you to die, at least not yet. But my emotions won't allow me to do what I want to do, so I abandoned them"
"You know, you can just give me a sword and I'll willingly drive it through my heart. You may claim to be an Alpha and all but you're just a coward. An Alpha doesn't abandon his emotions, his humanity so that he can kill his mate. He opens his eyes and does the deed"
She stood with a determined look.
"Do it. Kill me! Kill me!!", she yelled.

In truth, I had not yet given my wolf complete dominance over me. I walked towards her and she grabbed the collars of my shirt. Tears were glowing down her eyes. I could feel my eyes welling up.
"The mate bond is doing this to me", I said to myself.
I closed my eyes and reached into my subconscious. My wolf stood there waiting for me.
"Please don't kill her when you take over. And also leave me with an emotion so that I can be brought back", I told him. He barked out in approval. I closed my subconscious eyes and let my wolf take over.
When I opened my eyes in reality, everything felt different. I felt...nothing. I looked at my mate weeping and I didn't care. I didn't feel the mate bond. My sight was sharpened which means my eyes were glowing. I drove the dagger into Jenna's chest but I purposely missed her heart. Her eyes widened and she gasped as I pulled out the dagger. Her eyes closed and she fell. I wiped the tears on my face and walked out.

That evening I took my brother's body to an empty bedroom and placed him on the bed. I stroked his cheek.
"This wasn't supposed to happen. You just had to develop feelings"
Tears fell from my eyes.
Silly wolf. Of all places to base the emotion he left, it's on my brother.
"You know you did the right thing", a familiar voice said behind me. I turned to see Julio and rolled my eyes.
"I thought you left the pack", I said.
"I did. But my family called me back to turn them and leave with them. As you know, my parents are already ancient and have began to age.
I wiped my tears and walked to him. I circled around him like a predator.
"So does this look like your family home?"
He kept silent. I came to stand in front of him.
"You know I can kill you right?", I said. He looked me straight in the eyes.
"You abandoned your emotions and based the little one you left on your brother", he said. I smiled.
"Someone's smart. So what is your actual reason for being here? I've got things to do."
"I was here to tell you goodbye seeing as we go a long way back but in your current condition, I'm forced to ask what incident made you abandon your emotions. Surely it can't be putting your brother to sleep"
"I thought you knew. I also put my mate to sleep. She and my brother are gonna sleep for a while I'm gonna have some fun"
Julio looked past me to the bed, probably looking at the bloody dagger.
"I assume that that was the dagger that did the deed". I nodded. And suddenly he vamped past me to the bed, picked up the dagger and came back at me with his hand raised to stab me. But I caught the hand. I could feel my canines elongating and my sight became sharper.
"Careful Julio. I'm glad that you're getting the hang of vampirism but I've fought older vampires, remember?". I twisted his hand and the dagger fell from it. He grunted and I quickly placed my hands on his face. Julio was panting.
"This is not a good life to live. A werewolf without emotions is dangerous to himself and everyone around him ", he said.
I smiled.
"And so is a vampire. Now what am I gonna do with you? Oh, I know"
I twisted and snapped his neck.

Julio woke up and looked around. He didn't seem to notice me.
"We're at the entrance to the pack", I said. He stood up with a start.
"I extracted blood from your body while you were unconscious and gave it to your family members. They're in transition. You'll find them inside that car over there. Take them and leave. By the time they wake, you would've gotten to an area with human blood. Don't come back".
I turned to leave.
"I really hope you'd find your way back to yourself "
I turned to face him.
"There's nothing to find. My emotions are gone, yes. But not all. If all were gone, I would've murdered you and your family. I wouldn't have given them your blood and I would've ripped out their hearts instead of using silver. I have nothing to find. Goodbye Julio. It was nice knowing you.
I turned and left.

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