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"The hardest time of vampirism is the period of transition and the period after the first feeding. In your unconscious state, the vampire blood is altering your body system. It will enhance your hearing, sight and smell. Even the blinking of a light bulb will be loud. It will be overwhelming and if you have so many emotions at the time, well it's gonna be difficult."
"I will advice you to feed immediately you wake up so you don't have to experience these things. You will still experience it after feeding though it can be controlled."
"Normal vampires burn to death when they are exposed to sunlight without protection. You should know that by now but it won't affect you since you're a hybrid. Garlic, although toxic to all vampiric species, protects normal vampires from sunlight. Some vampires consume it daily while some would have witches magically bind them to their jewellery so they won't have to endure the burning sensation of the garlic on their tongues or the weakening effect it has on the vampiric body system "
I cut her off. "You're saying all this like you're reading it from a book."
She chuckled.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to teach you"
I furrowed my brows.
"You knew I was gonna be here?"
"Of course. Anyone that dies with vampire blood in his or her system comes here. Now the only perks of vampirism a vampire-in-transition doesn't get until after the first feeding is the fangs, enhanced strength, speed and mind manipulating abilities. And of course you should know about the saying; the older the stronger, faster and more higher level of immortality. It even works for the werewolves. So don't go against anyone older than you by centuries "
"Newbie vampires can easily lose their emotions, even unintentionally , when they focus on negative emotions and indulge in a continuous cycle of violence"

She gave me a knowing look and I rolled my eyes.
"We don't want you to lose your emotions with those two munchkins inside of you"
"You say what now?", I asked in confusion.
The lady looked at me confused.
"You mean you don't know? Darling you've been pregnant for the past eight months"
"Then why haven't I shown?"
"Hello, you're a hybrid. Hybrids don't show. Duh"
"But I'm dead so won't they like, die?"
She face palmed.
"Child, what did I say about vampire blood? Yes they died a few minutes after you died, but right now they're also in transition. If I'm not mistaken, one will be a Diego-hybrid and the other a werewolf -vampire hybrid. But there's also a chance that one of them can be a normal witch-vampire seeing as a mate's mom's a witch"
"Uhh please don't mention my mate"
"When I get back to life and kill the humans left with Madison, I'm gonna kill him, slowly and painfully"
"Uh I wouldn't advice you to do that. You see, it's very rare for a vampiric mother to give birth to already turned vampire kids. They will feed on breast milk but they will still need blood. They need to feed from a blood relation, not a vampire, that still has a link to humanity for example a human, a witch, an unturned hybrid or a wolf"
I shrugged.
"Then I'll let them feed from Ace. Problem solved."
The lady sighed and I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.
"What is it?", I asked her.
"It's almost time for you to leave"
"How do you know?". Then it clicked. "Wait what? No! But I haven't been here for long. I'm supposed to see my parents. I can't just leave without seeing them. And what about you? I can't just leave you here. I don't even know your name "
"Why do you think your parents are here?"
I wanted to snap at her but then tears fell from my eyes.
"I've always been told that they abandoned me but I don't want to believe that. I've been hunted ever  since I began living on my own and I know it's because of what I am. If I am what I am, then my parents are the same. It's very possible that they were hunted and killed. I want to confirm it."
She stroked my cheek as tears began to form in her eyes.
"Shh, shh, shh. Darling, it's okay. When you feed help your people. And I want that to be the last time you'll indulge in violence ". She let go of me and turned to leave.
Okay this was getting too emotional and weird for me.
"No!", I yelled as tears fell from my eyes.
"You can't just leave me here. I need to see them. I've got nothing to do out there. I'm better off dead. When I complete the transition, I'll stake myself to death"
She turned to look at me, her tears now falling.
It was then that I noticed something. Some sort of bond. It felt like I'd met this lady somewhere before.
"That would kill a normal vampire but it won't kill you. Only knock you out"
"I just need to see my parents, please. I've never known true parental love all my life"

Gosh when last did I cry like this?
"Your dad's not here. He's still alive. You'll see him soon enough after your transition"
I nodded and she reached out and wiped off my tears.
"And my mom?"
She gave me a sad smile and then it clicked.
Her words, her tears.
More tears flowed from her eyes.
So I had been with my mom all this time. I looked into her eyes.
"You idiot. Why didn't you tell me?"
The tears flowed more.
"Mom?". She nodded and then I broke down.
"Oh my god!". I fell into her arms and she held me as both of us wept.
After what felt like hours, we finally let go.
"Mom..gosh it feels so weird saying that..". Sob. "..I promise once  I settle all my issues, I will find a way to bring you back to life."
She shook her head as she wiped her face.
"Don't do that. You can't anyway, it won't work. You've now got a family to take care of. I'm going to sleep now. Some vampires get bored of immortality. When you and your dad are ready to depart, I'll be here waiting. So go and live out your centuries. There are still some things that you don't know but your dad will tell you. And always know this darling, your mom always loves you and she never abandoned you. She only died trying to save you"
I nodded.
"I.. I love you"
"I love you too"
She leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and I felt a rush of wind. Then I opened my eyes and she was gone. I looked around.
"Mom?! Mom!!"
A wind began to push me backwards and I was lifted off my feet and hauled back.
"Mom! Mom!! Don't leave me!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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