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I woke up to find myself lying on the ground in an environment I didn't recall ever visiting. I stood up. It was night.
Wait, I'm supposed to be dead. I mean I  remember getting shot twice in the chest and once in the heart. Maybe this is the afterlife.
I remembered Aiden and I shrugged.
There's nothing I can do anymore. I already cast a spell to make them less vulnerable and more powerful.
"Well look who we have here"
I turned to see one of the elders I murdered behind me.
"Not long after you kill me, you wind up dead. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?", he said.
I seriously don't have time for this.
"Look I'm not in the mood. I've got things to do so I suggest you don't delay me"
"But we've got all the time in the world. You see, you can't kill me. At least not permanently. I'll keep coming back till you get tired of killing me".
I sighed.
"Well then"
I balled my hand.
"Somnus". Nothing happened. My eyes widened.
He's supposed to sleep.
Now that I thought of it, I couldn't feel my magic. I tried again but nothing happened. I looked at him but he seemed to be in thought before he looked at me in shock.
"Om my god, you're in transi.."
Two hands came up from behind him and snapped his neck. He fell unconscious revealing a young lady; not too young though.
She looked at the elder then to me and she smiled.

"Look who finally decided to die", she said.
Out of instinct, I turned and made to run but there was a whooshing sound and she was suddenly in front of me.
Oh bloody load of bullocks. She's a vampire.
"You're not one to run. You're supposed to be a badass bitch"
I balled my hands.
Nothing happened and I groaned in frustration.
"Why is my magic not bloody working?", I yelled, more at myself.
"You'll find out soon enough", she said casually still smiling. "Let's walk"
I wanted to say no but I didn't know where I was so...
"It would be better if we left now. In few minutes he'll wake up and I don't wanna have to rip out his heart.
She reached out her hand to me and I took it and we began to walk.
When we had covered a good distance she let go of me.
"So this is the afterlife?", I asked.
She nodded.
"Yeah. For supernatural beings though"
"Why is my magic not working? Clearly you're still a vampire and I'm pretty sure that the elder whose neck you just snapped is still a wolf"
"It's because you're in transition"
"And what does that mean?"
The lady rose a brow.
"I thought you read about the supernatural species. When a human or witch dies with vampire blood in his or her body.."
"I know about that but I never took vampire blood. I'm pretty sure I don't have any in my body system"
"Actually you do. But you didn't ingest it. You were born with it. Remember Julio?"
"How did you.."
"He came here when he died. Remember he bit you before he snapped your neck. Your blood got into his body and you killed him with silver. That is how he's now a vampire."
"Wow. So how does this relate to me not being able to access my powers?"
"For a Diego-hybrid or a vampire-witch hybrid or even a werewolf -vampire hybrid, when they're in transition, they can't be able to access their powers until they complete the transition process by feeding."
"The same applies to normal vampires, they don't get the enhanced strength,speed and mind manipulating abilities until they feed"
I cleared my throat.
"So what you're trying to say is that I'll go back to life?", I asked.
"Someone's smart"
"But I don't want to"
"And why is that?", she asked.
"My parents. If they're dead then they should be here. I have to find them"
"I will take you to them"
"We don't think so "
We turned to see the elder whose neck the lady snapped with three other elders.
"Wolves, I advice you to leave us alone. If you don't the situation might become irrefutably awkward."
"Oh shut up. Who the fuck are you anyway?", one of the elders said.
"I'm the one's who's gonna kick your ass "
The elder whose neck was snapped stepped forward.
"You took me by surprise. That ain't gonna happen again. Snap my neck once, shame on you. Snap my neck twice, now whose..."
His neck snapped without any hands twisting it. But it wasn't my magic.
The lady looked at the elder's unconscious form.
"Sorry what was that you were saying?". Then she shrugged. "I guess I won't be able to hear it"
The other wolves growled at her and charged.
They were hauled backwards.
My eyes widened.
The elders quickly got to their feet.
She vamped to them. One of them made to punch her but she dodged him, plunged her fist into his chest and took out his heart.
She grabbed the second one by the collar and effortlessly flung him to well.. I have no idea. Then she grabbed the last one by the neck and lifted him up, squeezing hard. She hissed and the elder's eyes widened and then I heard a cracking and squelching sound. She threw the unconscious body. Then she turned to face me. Her irises were red but not blood red like Julio's and there were long black veins below her lower eyelids.
The eyes, the veins, witchcraft abilities and vampirism together. These were all features of a..
"Correct. And that's what you are
. Or that is what you're gonna be after you complete your transformation. Come now, let me teach you all you need to know about vampirism".

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