Chapter Sixteen

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Noah Evererrt

Bran fell asleep in my arms last night, and at some point we moved to his bedroom. We spent the night together. In bed. Cuddling. We didn't say much, but I swear I could feel something different surge through our bond.

I didn't know what to do, honestly. I didn't know if I should've come over here, but something inside me told me to. So I did. And now I can feel it. Something shifted in our relationship. I can't tell what it is, I have no idea.

I've been awake for a bit, my mind flooding with so many questions. But Branson is sleeping, and I don't want to wake him. Everything with Xan has to be a lot. I still need to check on Layla, but I don't know if it'll make it worse with everything going on. And Branson comes first. My mate comes first.

So I haven't made the move to talk to her.

Bran starts to stir, wiggling around the bed. He rubs his eyes and slowly peels them open. He's looking up at me, in a sleepy haze. "Morning" he murmurs, his voice hoarse. He did cry a bit last night, so that must be why.

"Morning" turned to my side, to face him. I put my arm under the pillow, scooting just a tad closer. "How do you feel?"

"Better" he nods, tucking his arm under his head. "Going to stop by and visit him before they admit him later today." He tacks on, and I don't know if it's an invitation, so I guess I'll just ask.

"Do you want some company?"

"You don't have to if you dont want too"

"I want what you want Bran. You want me to come, I come. You want me to fuck off, I'll fuck off" I'm not good at this relationship thing, but im learning that honesty is most important, so thats what i decide to go with.

"I want you to come" he says after a moment, his voice gentle.

"I need to stop by the pack house for some clothes, then I'm all yours"

"Can you grab me something to eat.. Maybe?" he asks, avoiding my eyes.

"Of course" I kiss his lips gently, a quick peck. Then I'm sliding out of bed and pulling on my sweats. "I'll be back in like thirty" I mumble, and he nods.

"I'm going to shower soon" he says, and i give one more quick kiss before im on my way to the pack house.

Visiting Alexander was rough. He didn't want to really talk to anyone, and he was closed off. I think everyone understands, but when they took him to the psych ward it was tense, and rough. He hugged everyone, but he didn't say a word.

Uncle Ze went in with him, and when he came back to the house he just cried. Blamed himself for everything. I'm not quite sure what to do. How to be supportive. So I'm just here. Rubbing Branson back, or holding his hand. Doing whatever I possibly can. But I don't feel like it's enough.

My family is on their way over here now, they stopped by the medical building once but didn't want to intrude much. They know it's rough for them. The first time Xan was admitted he said he hated everyone, and lost his shit.

Layla says a piece of him is taken each time, and it's just a lot on everyone. But they love him, we all do. All we want is him to be okay.

"Hey!" Mom yells, as she pushes open the front door. She steps inside, the twins running in and tackling Uncle Ze in a hug.

"Hello beautiful ladies" he smiles, scoping them up. This is the first time he's smiled all day.

Uncle Ze is a very, very handsome man. He's not my real uncle, so I can say that. He's got dimples, blonde hair and pretty eyes.

'Are you checking my dad out?' Branson's voice swarms my head, wrapping around my mind.

'No. Don't be ridiculous'

'Oh my goddess you were- you're blushing' he hits my arm, making my spine straighten. My eyes narrow on him, but he has a small playful smile on his lips. My mind instantly goes into fight mode, but that smile? Turns me to mush.

Leaning forward, I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. Kissing away that heart melting smile.

"We brought food, and sweets. And wine" Mom says, ushering everyone to the kitchen. We get up, following her demands.

She sets stuff down in the kitchen, dad on her heels as he helps her unpack things.

"How long are they keeping him this time?" Dad asks, taking the foil of the dishes.

"They said two weeks. Then they will go over his plan again and reevaluate him and see how he's feeling. They're changing his meds completely" Uncle P says, getting plates out for everyone.

Layla is in the dining room, setting the table. I should probably talk with her. Making my way over, I tap the table gently. "Hey" I murmured, and her head snapped up. Her hair is in a messy bun, and her eyes are red rimmed from crying.


"I would've come sooner- but I didn't know what I should do. But i can't not check on you Lay" my voice is gentle, submissive.

"I appreciate it. Honestly? This whole thing has me thinking and I think us taking a step back was good. But I'm ready to move on. I can't do this without talking. So if Bran is okay with it, I'd like to be close again" her voice is hoarse, and tears brim her eyes.

"Of course I'm okay with it" My mate's voice comes from behind me, as he steps up beside me. "I want you guys to be friends. I love you, Lay, and I trust you." He steps into her space, pulling her to his chest.

She murmurs to him, and I barely catch it. But she's sorry, she shouldn't be sorry.

"No more crying!" My mom demands, coming in with food. Everyone starts getting busy, with getting food around the table, and sitting down and digging in. I'm not sure when Zeke and Peyton ate last, or even Layla. But I'm happy my family is here. I'm happy our families can come together like this so easily. It makes my heart happy. 


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