Chapter Twenty One

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Branson Williams

Holy fuck.

My breath is coming out in short, quick pants. My whole body is so sore, and I'm getting so fucking tired. Last night was incredible. But once wasn't enough. We did it two more times, then again this morning.

I'm exhausted, but everything feels so good. I can feel Noah through our bond, it's like the last piece snapped into place. He leaves open mouth kisses over my jaw, my neck as he slips out from me.

"You okay?" he asks, his breath coming out as quick as mine.

"Mhmmm, tired. We have training soon "I twist in the sheets, turning towards Noah. His tan skin is covered in sweat. His hair, striking out all over and to his forehead. He's so fucking hot.

"Wanna shower real quick and head to breakfast?" He asks, his eyes roaming my body.

"Yeah, probably should" I lean forward, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He nips my lower lip, before pulling away.

"Come on pups." He calls over his shoulder, as he makes his way to his connected bathroom.

I follow, seeing him turning on the shower. He places two towels on the sink, and steps in right away. I don't know what kind of psychopath does that. But I wait for it to heat up, before climbing in.

"Do we gotta like, wash each other?" Noah asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"I don't think we should. You'll get too excited." my eye drops down in a wink, and i shove him away from the sprayer, because fuck that. I was the one that got railed in the ass, not him.

He laughs, and starts washing his hair, fighting for the water. I wash my hair, and body. Somehow, I end up pressed into the cold tiles, with Noah's tongue in my mouth. His hands roam my body, running over my chest, to my abs, down to my cock.

His soapy hand wraps around me, as he starts to stroke. I shove him away, narrowing my eyes. "No more" he just smirks, kissing me again before finishing up his shower.

Once we're out, we dry off. I borrowed some boxers and sweats from him. A t-shirt too. Then we're walking out of his room.

"Good morning boys" Aunt Sam says, wiggling her eyebrows. "How was your night?" Noah shakes his head, and his mom huffs. "You do know these rooms aren't sound proof right?"

My face feels like it's on fire. My whole body does. "Please stop" I practically beg, and she just giggles.

"Whatever, I don't want the details anyways. It is my son. But i will be letting my best friend know that we should expect pups soon"

The words she says hit me a little too hard. Because fuck. I wasn't even thinking about that. Pops got dad pregnant, and that was the beta gene. Noah has the Alpha gene, could I get pregnant? That's the only logical thing.

My eyes snap to Noah, and his are already on me. It's like he's thinking the same thing, because his eyes travel down to my stomach.

"You guys do know that, right?" Sam says, "You didn't?"

"It didn't cross my mind. I forgot about Uncle Ze. It just doesn't feel real I guess. I don't know" Noah runs his fingers through his hair.

"I didn't either"

"You guys don't want pups?" She sounds confused, and I'm baffled by that.

"Not yet, i mean we're still figuring out- us" i hesitate.

"Oh sweetheart" she sighs, coming around the aisle to hug me. "I don't know if there's anything you can do now, but can you be safe in the future?"

She sounds uncomfortable, and I am too.

Training sucked, my body was exhausted. I went back to my house, and took a good 3 hour nap.

Now I'm catching up on homework when there's a knock on my door. Looking up, Xan is standing there. "Hey" , his voice is gentle.

"Hey" I murmured, closing my book.

"Dad and Pops left for a bit. Can I hang out with you?" he asks, and when I nod he makes his way in, plopping on my bed. "How are things with Noah?"

I lean back against my headboard. "They're good. Kind of awkward right now"

"Why?" he asks, curling up in my bed. He's so.. Little.

"We mated last night. Well, a couple times.We didn't use protection. I wasn't really thinking about the fact that dad gave birth to us. That i could have the same issue. So now we're kind of shocked. We didn't think it through I guess."

"You didn't think about the fact that you'd have to reproduce to pass the gene?" Xan raises his brow.

"Stupid, I know" I let out a heavy breath. "It's just we're finally getting into a good place. I think having pups would not be in the best interest for us"

"Do you think we were in the best interest of dad? He was struggling a lot before he had Layla"

"I mean i guess-"

"And look how happy it made him. Sometimes things are meant to happen, even if they're not what we plan"

"Why are you always so smart?" I sigh, pulling at my fingers "Do you ever think that maybe dad wishes he waited?"

"I think he needed us as much as we needed him," Xan says softly.

"You know, I think you're right. But I also.. Think dad blames himself for what you go through" i say gently, not trying to hurt his feelings.

Xan sighs, and sits up. He leans against the headboard with me, and nods. "I think you're right. I think he doesn't understand that no matter what he does I'll always be this way."

"Not always"

"Maybe, but there's nothing you guys can do that'll change me. Dad does the best he can, and it's enough. But it's me."

"You know we love you, and do anything we can to help. Right?"

"I know," he nods, tugging at his sweats. "I don't know if I'll ever be fixed though, you know that right?" His voice is so serious, and it breaks my heart. He's still a kid, but he thinks he's broken beyond repair.

"I know bud, but i don't think that means you should ever give up"

"I'll do my best" he says softly, "But sometimes, it's just too loud"

"I wish there was more i could do"

"I know, but it's okay. Really"

"I love you man"

"I love you too," he whispers. "Can I take a nap here?" he curls back up, getting comfy again.

"Of course" and with that, I go back to my homework, thinking about how my broken brother doesn't think he will ever feel whole.

How selfish I feel, for taking everything I have, with Noah, for granted. I'm worried about having pups, when my little brother is worried about making it til tomorrow.

Goddess I hope he does. 


Check out my patreon for the next couple chapters and the beginning of Alexander's story!

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