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Jimin pov
Jeongguk was pacing down the living room when I stepped in. I decided to ignore him and went straight to my room.
"Jimin, wait" Ah I don't even wanna look at his face.
Where were you?" He asked me, his face had a worried expression. Huh, I better know that now.
"Out" I simply answered and turned around.
He grabbed my hand and asked me
"Are we okay? "I wanted to ask the same question to him, but I don't even want to talk to him. I nodded and unfolded my hand.
"Okay, go change fast. I made dinner for us"
His excitement almost melted me to join him. But I don't want him to play with
my feelings anymore.
"I already ate" Then I left him there and slammed my door.
How can I live here? I wish I could just go back home.
Beep beep beep
I take out my phone from my pocket and looked at the caller id. Jhope, Did he forgave me?

"Jimin, I Miss you"
"Ah god. I missed you too hope. I love
"Love you, babe, I wish you could just come here"
"I know hope, I can't stay here anymore"
"Did he hurt you"
I filled up her with the details of what happened here in the whole two weeks.
"That asshole, I'm gonna kill him"
"It hurts too much hope, He could at least be faithful to me" I sniffed trying to hold my tears.
"Don't cry, I'm here right? You have me. I will never leave you, chim" "Thank you, hope, I wish you were with me here"
"I will ask yoongi if I could come there for few days"
"Ok. How's he?"
"He misses you. But you know his ego
"Yup, I will call him later"
"Ok, now bring the pretty smile on your face handsome"
That's what she does for me. The best friend who knows me well. I smiled at his words. He called me when I was feeling down. This connection is different. I hope our bond will never die.
"You are the best"

"You deserve the World, babe"
"Haha you too, well I just got back from outside. I will talk to you later"
"Okay bye take care"
"You too love"
Why can't I have a normal mate?
'Jimin, don't worry' Scar comforted me.
'Scar, I don't think I can hold this pain anymore, It hurting, like someone stabbed in my heart'
"You know I also feel the same'
'How can someone play with other heart, don't they have any feelings. I'm his mate, can't even feel the mate pull'
'Yes, we got a cold-hearted person as a mate'

'Scar, I wish someone would help to get through this pain'
After that, he blocked me out. He is already upset. I'm making him more miserable.
(Note: If you guys forgot Scar is jimin's wolf)
I tried to sleep, but sleepiness never comes. Because I used to sleep in his arms. His warmth was also calming my sense. I can't even consider sleeping with him after what he did to me. I stood
up from the bed and goes to his room.
Seriously, it's pathetic. Still, I can't control myself. I went to his bed lay down. Suddenly two hands pulled me back.
"You are here, I was waiting for you. I couldn't sleep without you. Now it's like a habit to sleep with you" He said, sniffed my neck and breathed hard.
His closeness breaking my walls. I can't seem to control this mate bond. His
touch makes me want to explore more. I want to mark him and seal the bond
forever. He probably using me just for his pleasure. Why do I even allow him to destroy me?
I closed my eyes.
"Whatever you are thinking I can't answer all question. But you are my mate. I can feel it when you are restless.
I know you will conquer all of your fear and problem. Good night cutie."
How can he act so well? If I didn't listen to a single thing. I would probably think everything is true. I regret coming here, I regret that I didn't object to my dad's decision for me to come here.
Even though his presence and warmth are comforting me. It's like getting a
blanket when you are shivering in cold.
Aah, we are just sleeping. I turned around and cuddled into him. He pecked my head, His strong arm was around me.
His smell is so intoxicating, what's the cologne he's using. Just forget everything for today.
I woke up, he wasn't there. He might be in the kitchen. I quickly goes to my room and took a shower. I pulled out a short and a hoodie wore them. I stepped into
the kitchen. he's not here. Where is he? "Alpha already left for training"
"Yes, morning training. Alpha missed training because he had paper works.
Now he's back to the training ground. "
"Okay, that's why I didn't see him training"
I should train myself too. I didn't work out after coming here.
I started to walk outside.
"Sir jimin your breakfast"She called out to me.
"I'm not hungry"
The guard was standing outside.
"Show me the way to training ground"

"Okay luna"
"I'm not your luna" He pissed me off.
Who told him to call me luna.
Everyone was working out. Jeongguk was fighting with someone. He was giving instructions to everyone on how should defend yourself. Only if the moon goddess can help me defend myself around him. His eyes locked in mine.
"Why are you here," He asked, coming towards me.
"I want to work out"
"You don't have to"
"I SAID I WANT TO " I yelled at him.
Who's he to say regarding my workout. I hate him. Everyone looked in our direction.

"They are trained. You will get hurt"
"I don't care" I rolled my eyes at him.
I kept looking at everyone. Then some girls come towards me.
"Do you wanna fight with me?" She asked me. She looks confident. She smirked at me.
"Are you scared now, you look so weak"
I looked at Jungkook. He just nodded at me and gone to train others.
"Yes, come on" I challenged her.
"In human form first, then the wolf. Can you do it? "
I stretched and took my position.


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