The mistake

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Jungkook POV
Yoongi called me, I don't know why he has to talk? Did Jimin said something to hìm? I should probably go now When I reached there jimin's parents taehyung and yoongi were there. Why did he call everyone:
Then Jimin too came downstairs. Oh god. i think jimin slipped everything to him.
"What happened"jimin asked them, not particularly at anyone So he is exactly clueless as I am.
"We are here to talk about jhope"
Alpha Jackson replied.
"What? Is something wrong? "I can feel he is very nervous.
"I'm taking him home," yoongi said without looking at anyone.
"What, why? I can take care of him?"
"Jhope is not going anywhere? He is like my baby brother. I'll take care of him."
No way in hell I'll allow him to take him. I just got him back. I know I only know him for few months. But our bond got so strong these months.
"If you guys did take care of him, he wouldn't have ended up in this situation? " yoongi accused us.
I looked down, I couldn't meet anyone's eyes. It's my mistake. I knew that day he was stressed. I asked him, but he didn't tell anything. I should have watched him. It's my mistake he got hurt. The guilt is eating me alive.
"But isn't it good jhope's here? Jimin can take care of him well? " taehyung asked yoongi.
"No. I'll take him home"
I can feel that yoongi is already decided to take him. He just brought everyone to announce the decision, not to discuss it.
But I couldn't put, why he wants him so badly. Didn't he tell me to tell him that he will punish him when he meets him?.
"Why are you so adamant to take him home, you don't have any right to take care. You didn't even care about him when he disappeared. "
Jimin yelled at him. He is so angry, I want to calm him down, but I don't have any right.
"I have every right to take him home"
Yoongi yelled back at me.
"What right you have? Tell me a single thing? " he asked him angrily.
MATE" He yelled at him.
It's shocked me, I didn't even in my dreams thought that jhope would be his second mate. I wanted them to be mates, but not in these circumstances.
When his mate died and he still have grudge against jhope. Jhope has feelings for him, he is already heartbroken and now physically too. He is both mentally and physically not in good condition, I don't want him to use his anger on him.
1 month later
I decided to make taehyung my beta, as namjoon already betrayed us. And I want a loyal one. Lisa is also pregnant, I don't want anyone to hurt her. And he will also protect jimin with his whole heart.
We were both discussing something when I stepped into the living room.
"Hey darling" taehyung called Jimin when he came to us. He smiles at him as always he ignored me. My hand is itching to touch him. But It's been a month I talked to him. I didn't even give him any explanation.
*Well, you are going see my face more than you think now""What do you mean?" He asked him confused.
"I have two things to tell you" He pointed at him.
"Ok, tell me fast. I'm hungry" he rolled my eyes, masking his emotion.
"I'm officially beta for this pack and..."
He smirks at him.
His smile widened. I didn't see him smile like this often, I think I didn't even see at all. I feel stung in my heart when I realized he can make my mate happy more than me.
"T'm going to stay here"
"Here, this house, this pack?""This house kitten" He grinned at him. I watched their every move. They look so comfortable with each other where I'm just an outsider. He jumped into him and hugged hard.
"Yes. You don't seem to be happy? You don't want me to live here"
"No, that's not. I'm in a hard position to digest this information" he put his head on his chest and wrapped his arm around him. I couldn't take my eyes on him. They look so beautiful together, but he belonged to me and I ruined it. I would never confess that he was my
first love. Yes, I loved him more than anything.
"You know, I was going to call my dad that I'm coming back. Now you are here, I'll stay here as much as Dad wants me to stay. "
I didn't know he wants to leave, I can digest if he wants to ignore me, but leaving me I can't afford it. I will be soulless if he left me.
I cleared my throat to get their attention. How can he get so cosy with him in front of me? What would they do if I wasn't here? I suddenly feel disgusted, maybe he's the one who took his virginity. I didn't want to see anything more so I left before telling taehyung to join me in the office.
Lisa is going to live with me from today onwards, I don't know how jimin's going to take it, I didn't tell him anything about Lisa's pregnancy. Lisa told me to tell him when he left that day. But I didn't dare to come with an explanation.
Later in the evening, after doing every work we decided to call it night.
Taehyung ignored us the whole time when we walked to my house. Jimin doesn't seem too comfortable when he saw Lisa.
"Let's have dinner" taehyung pulled him to the kitchen.
Lisa pulled me to the kitchen too. Taehyung and Jimin ignored us. Can't we at least friends?
"Did you prepared it? Taehyung asked him while eating the noodles. It looks delicious.
* Yes. I remember you telling me this is your favourite food"
"It's delicious. You are officially my cook darling"
I want to eat the food made by him too.
"Didn't you cook for me? " I suddenly asked him. This is the first time I'm talking to him after that night.
"Your maid prepared your food and already in the fridge" he replied, he didn't even look at me.
"Why didn't you cook for me? " I asked again. I'm his mate, he should have taken care of me too. "Why would I? " he fired back.
"Babe, why are you wasting your time on him. I'll heat it. Sit down" Lisa told me and goes to heat the food. He came back with warm food and served it to
But I lost my appetite.
"Jeongguk, is he live here?"
Taehyung asked me
"Yes, I'm going to live here from today"
Lisa replied.
"Why?" He asked us, I gulped, what should I tell him? Don't you know? Didn't jeongguk tell you?
She asked him confused.
It's not the right time to tell him.
"Don't. It's not your place say. Leave it" I warned Lisa
"Tell me now, what are you hiding?" He yelled at me. I lost my words, how could I tell him I impregnated another person.
"T'll tell you," Lisa told him, he looks somewhat nervous.
"I'm pregnant with jeongguk's baby," She said while holding her small belly. My baby,I left my mate for my baby. I wasn't a good mate, at least I want to be a good father. "Since when?" He asked her again.
"I'm 2 months pregnant. I got the news when you and jeongguk go to the cabin" She answered.
"This is why you left me alone there?
You want to enjoy being a father and you left your mate alone at a place where I don't know anything"
"Listen, jimin, when Lisa told me I hurried to back here. And I forgot you were there" It was a complete lie, I didn't go back to him, because I didn't dare to face him. I committed a mistake that can never be undone.
"You forgot me? " His voice was trembling. I want to comfort him, I didn't mean it.
But I couldn't give him more hope. We don't have any future.
"How dare you?"
"And you?" He pointed his fingers at Lisa.
"Don't you feel shame to open legs for any man? You knew he's my mate. Yet you open your legs to him. Disgusting."
He yelled at him.
He is calling disgusting to the woman carrying my baby. Anger was building in my body. He knows nothing about him.
"Don't you dare talk to her like that? " I yelled at him "Jimin, calm down. Let's go to your room" taehyung tried to pull him.
He pushed him.
"Well good luck to you whore. Take this man whore. I despise him" Disgusting clearly showed in his face. That's where I-lost, red that I saw. Anger then I did something I know I would regret later. I slapped him, his face was whipped into another direction from the impact.
"I told you don't talk to her like that" I yelled at him again.
"Please don't beat me. Please" he begged to me. He falls down the floor and holding his chest. He was panting so hard. Oh my god. What did I do to him?
"Relax jimin, come back to me please"
He looks completely in pain, I want to hurt myself for hurting him like that.
Then he opened his eyes slowly. He looks so fragile.
"Oh thank god. I thought I lose you" taehyung's nervous voice told him. His face was buried in his chest.
My mate felt comfortable and protected from another man, and I was the reason he's scared. He has to protect himself from me. I feel disgusted with myself that I raised my hand at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to "I started talking to him and touched his shoulder. He flinched. He is scared of me, I did this to him, when did I become this cruel? He was. panting again. He got a panic attack again because of me. Hurt that what I left. I made him like that, why did I slap him?
"Relax, I'm here" taehyung comforted him He picked him up in a bridal style and took him back to his room. I watched him take him way, I just looked at them helplessly.
"You shouldn't slap him," Lisa said and left the room. I shouldn't have done that,he had every right to be angry. But I hurt him again, but physically this time.

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