Awkward movie night

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3rd person pov

Jimin was looking forward to this movie night, but he is no longer interested in this movie night when jeongguk decided to join them. Jimin glanced at taehyung who's focused on the movie, he then looked at jeongguk who's giving his penetrating glance at taehyung , which is unaware by taehyung. He heavily breathes out a sigh.
"Taehyung ," he nudged at taehyung
Taehyung looked at Jimin who's looking at him with a pout. He chuckled and poke his cheeks.
Jeongguk cleared his voice to get the attention that he's there too. Jimin rolled his eyes and ignored him. They were going to watch the movie all night. But he's not in the mood to spend any more with jeongguk.
The actress was kissing the actor, jimin couldn't look at anyone, the awkward silence flooded in the living room. This was the most awkward moment in his
entire life. Nobody was speaking anything and everyone had a poker face even when for a funny scene. Hopefully,he can go to his room after this movie ends.
The movie ended. He exhaled a relaxing sigh. Now he wants nothing more than to crawl back into his room.
"Taehyung, let's go to sleep"
Jimin pulled him towards his room.
"No, he can sleep in the guest room," jeongguk said by staring at taehyung who's checking his phone.
"No. I'll sleep in jimin's room. "
Taehyung pulled jimin to his room and slammed the door. Jeongguk stomped out from the living room to the outside. He shifted to his wolf and ran into the
woods. He needs to clear his mind. It's not like he's a saint. He did too many things in front of jimin with Lisa. But jimin didn't act like that, but God knows
what's going to happen in the closed door. He wants to escape from reality.
He missed jhope. Jhope and he met when he came to his house. But he's  more mature and caring. He was like a little brother to him. But he doesn't know where's he now. He completely disappeared from everywhere. He's still in search of him. Even he knows jhope betrayed jimin, he believes there's something more into this story.
Jimin and taehyung watched Netflix series the whole night. They both slept at 4 in the morning.
They are both unaware by the event going to be taken in the next 48 hours.
Jimin wakes up past lunchtime, taehyung was already left when he wakes up. He checked the messages there are two unread messages, one from taehyung and one from a Private number.
He opened taehyung's text.
Taehyung: I left, I'll come tomorrow.
Jimin: Okies Ron.

Jimin's Pov
Should I open his text or not?
I opened the message.
Private number: I'm coming to get you, tomorrow. Wait for me, love...
A shiver runs down my spine, I can't even protect myself, because Scar isn't with me.
Scar, where are you? Help me

3rd pov
Scar was still tied in the dark realm.
There's no way out until the White wolf brings him back. He didn't lose hope.
However, now he knows whoever the one who tied him wants nothing from him. They just want to find the white wolf. That's why they are torturing him.
But why did they tied him for the white wolf? He doesn't have anything to do with the white wolf. He doesn't even know who's the white wolf.
Yoongi was being cosy with his mate, but his mind goes to jhope. Why did he betray them? He is the least he expected to be the mole. Where's he now? Is he running away from him? He wants to take revenge, but a little bit he knew that he can't ever hurt jhope
deliberately. He was his first love. He did think to marry him like humans until his mate showed up. He falls in love with her the first time he glanced at her. But are they ready to take the unavoidable incident awaiting them in the future?
Calling yoongi was the first thing Jimin thought when he saw the message he didn't waste any time and called him?

Yoongi: Hey, what's up? Jimin

Jimin: please come here.

Jimin sniffed, he doesn't have anyone now. He is alone in the big house.

Jhope is not here anymore. Now he's feeling the loneliness. He feels shit that he didn't think about finding his best friend. What if he is in a dangerous
place no way to come out. I hope he's doing well, even he's hurting me.

Yoongi: Jimin, are you there?
He forgot yoongi is on call.

Jimin: yeah I'm here. I got another text from a Private number.

Yoongi: What did he say?

Jimin:He will come to get me tomorrow Yoongi. I'm scared.

Jimin is crying so hard. He Knows the Stalker is stronger more than they think.

He has someone from jeongguk pack, that's why he can get to me easily.

Yoongi: Don't worry. I'm coming now.

Jimin: Bring Alice too.

Zander: I'll. Take care. I'll ask jeongguk to tighten security. Don't worry.

Jimin: Any clue about the white wolf.

Yoongi: No, we still didn't get anything.
We don't even know she's in the country too.
Jimin: I want Scar. I can't stay without him. I need him, he is my saviour. I can't protect myself without him.

Yoongi: I know Jimin, I'll bring him back at any cost. He did too much for us. We can't give up on him.
Jimin: OK, I'll wait for you.

Yoongi: ok bye.

Back to Jimin's pov

I disconnected the call, I was looking outside through the window. I don't feel safe going outside. So I decided to stay indoors. I heard someone running towards my room. I looked back, jeongguk was looking at me, his whole body was covered in sweat. If I was on better terms with him, I would have called him hot now. He left a relaxed sigh. "I thought something happens to you"
He rushed to me and crushed me into his body.
His arm around me tightened like he's scared that I'll disappear if he let me out.
"I'm fine" I want to curse at him. But I didn't, because I know he is scared. I can feel he's calming down. I rubbed my arms around his hair too gets him relaxed.
"Yoongi called me, I'll not leave you even for a second"
I giggled,
"Even in shower? " I asked him, grinned.
"If you wish, I can do that too. Or I can guard from outside" "Well, better you guard from outside"
"Yeah, I know you can't keep your hands to yourself"
He smirked at me.
"In your dreams"
"Well, you do more than with your hands in my dreams"
I smacked at his head. I blushed so hard, I'm damn sure I'm looking like a tomato now.
I looked at him, he was already looking at me. He comes inches towards my face.
"Can I kiss you? " Our last kiss anything ! want to remember. But now I want to kiss him too. His plump lips look like I want to ravish them. I gulped and nodded at him.
He pulled my chin up and closed the gap between us. I closed my eyes waiting for the soft lips to touch me. I felt jeongguk breath on my face. He slowly touched my lips with his lips, it was a slow passionate kiss, nothing like last time. I kissed him back he tugged my lips to open, but I denied his entry. Suddenly his hands come to my hips then he squeezed my ass. I let out a slow moan, he took the opportunity to enter my mouth. He tasted every corner of my mouth. I felt hot all over my body. I grabbed his face, pulling him closer to him. I run my hands through his dark hair. He started to kiss my jaw to the neck. I breathed hard. He kissed where he marked last time. But the mark had been disappeared as my body rejected the mark.
"I'm sorry about it, I lost my control when I saw the text. I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me."
He begged me and hugged me hard.
"I forgive you jeongguk" I don't why I let him go easily. Maybe because of the heat of the moment. He again started to kiss
me. He nibbled my ear. I let out a loud moan.
"Jungkook, please... " I begged him. I don't know what I'm asking for, as he gets the hint. He again kissed me on the lips and picked me on bridal style then put me down on the mattress. He kissed myforehead, then my eyes, nose and lips. His lips went to my neck, he started to caress my body with his hands. I scratched his back. I know it will leave some mark. He groaned and licked and bites my neck, damn sure he's making a hickey. I tugged his shirt he stared at me. He looks like a hot mess. His lips were swollen and his hair was a mess.
He pulled off his shirt and started to kiss me again. I ran my hands through his well-toned body.
Suddenly we heard a cracking noise. Jeongguk gives me last peck and left to check where the noise came from. I also followed him. A gasp escaped from my lips.

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