Aquaris 31

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By the time I reached the kingdom Axarion, Quesia, and basically everyone else were on a frantic rampage trying to find their only hope for survive (Aka me incase you have forgotten).
Of course both Axarion and Quesia yelled at me for scaring them so badly. Once they had gotten that out of their systems they embraced me. I melted into Axarion's warm hug.
"I'm so glad you're aright." He whispered only loud enough for me to hear.

"No to be the blowfish here and ruin the moment", Quesia tuned in, "but I'd like to point out just incase you haven't noticed yet, ehm, your tail and hair is kind of like, red."

Axarion and I pulled away from each other as he took a step back to glance over my new color.

I swear the scarlet red impossibly got brighter as I felt the heat on my scales wherever his eyes traveled.

"Yeah... Speaking of the change in color, it looks nice." Now my face embarrassingly turned red at his complement. "But could you explain how it happened and where you disappeared to?"

"Right." I said preparing myself. You'd think it would be pretty difficult to speak of how you killed your own father. But my heart has hardened to the action and I feel no human emotion for it. There as no way to avoid what I did and one way or another, it was what had to happen.

I explained exactly what happened not sparing any details. By the end of my horrific story both mers standing in front of me looked as if they were going to loose their lunch. Which is what I assume Quesia darted out of the room to do. Poor thing.

I only wish Axarion would stop looking at me like I'm a monster. I can tell that is something along the lines of what he is thinking about me currently. It makes me sad to know I scare him. I don't want to seem like some sort of a monster to him.

With only muffled gagging of Quesia outside in the hall somewhere, the left over silence felt like time was slowing. Thankfully Axarion's expression changed from that cautious look to understanding. He is piecing everything together. As if he knows more about this than I even do. Now it is time for me to be confused.

Just as I was about to urge him to say something he spoke out. "I know what happened."

My eyebrows furrowed. "I just told you what happened."

"No." He shook his head. "I have an explanation for it."

"Oh. So are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?" I replied, my tone turning impatient.

He ignored me and went on to address Quesia. "Quesia if you're done come on back in here. You will be proud of your trainee after you hear what I have to say."

Quesia peeked around the frame of the room's entrance. Her face tinted slightly green and she hiccuped before making a move to swim on in.

"Sorry Aquema," she apologized, "I just can't imagine killing my own father... When I attempted to imagine it- well just be careful when you swim out that hallway."

I smiled understandingly. "It's alright."

"Now," Axarion started his explanation, "when you became so angry at your father it was justful anger, not selfish anger. Your unknown powers became revealed while this emotion set in. All the conditions were right; destroying the enemy, provocation, threat, and the whole puzzle of your past set together. The power you held within those few moments made you invincible. One extremely mind blowing power you uncovered allows you to permanently put a cap on emotion. You're mind triggered this when it had to prepare for something a normal mermaid would not be able to withstand emotionally; killing your father. Emotion can be a deadly weakness when in battle. With that power you never have to feel the pain of what you had to do. You are not a monster for not feeling any regret of your action," he smiled at me understanding my fears. "You simply boxed up those emotions and threw away the key."

Quesia had begun to get interested once we started talking about my newly revealed powers. Now she is flipping her tail in excitement. "Aquema! This is so awesome! You found your special powers!"

I began to laugh at her great fully. It's relieving to see her not about to puke again.

"Oh and your scales and hair turned red because you revealed everything about your true self. It represents everything in your life such as the lies, pain, discomfort, change, but also things like boldness, independence, power, loyalty, overcoming what is thrown at you, and love." As cliche as it sounds, our eyes locked as he said love.

"I'm jealous." We looked over at Quesia, thinking she was going to say something about Axarion and I. But surprisingly she was staring with a pouty face at my tail, she hadn't even noticed the cheesy stare that was passed right in front of her. "I want a pretty red tail and superpowers."

I laughed at the normal quirky Quesia personality and embraced my best friend. I'm so lucky to have someone as accepting as she is.

"So what do you think about all this Aquema?" Axarion asked.

I glanced over at him. "I think you're a huge mermaid nerd." My statement caused Quesia to let out an unattractive snort as she uncontrollably cackled.

She managed to speak in between laughs. "Someone finally said it Axarion!"

He stubbornly glared at her before softening his gaze and gaining some humor in the situation. "Well maybe it's true but the information comes in handy quite a lot."

Now controlled Quesia shrugged. "So far."

I rolled my eyes jokingly at their harmless bickering.

"But in all seriousness do you guys understand what this means?"

Quesia and I both looked a little unsure of what he is getting at.

"Is there something more?" I questioned.

"Yes there certainly is." Axarion flashed his smile at me once again. "You defeated the enemy. Your father must have been the one giving all the orders and the master plan for the Delmocis attack."

"I never thought about that. So... does that mean it's over? We are safe?"

"I believe so." He grinned with certainty.

A distant death shrieking scream traveled through the water and poured into our ears. Our eyes met as our faces paled in terror.

This is no where near over.
Hey guys! So I'm going to try to finish up this story soon and get it published! You guys have helped and pushed me all the way through this! Thank you so much! I trust you all will read it once it's published? 😉 I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME ALL THIS WAY.

Q- Should I make a sequel of Aquema finding out about a shady past of Axarion's and their relations in the future of this current story?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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