Aquaris 8

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Black scraggly beard and long tangled hair.

Black eyes.

Black tail.

He stood to my left a little ways away.

Who is this insane man!

"Aquema!" Quesia hollered to me again, now at my side. She snapped me out of my bad timing daze.

"He tried to kill me!!"

She had a light pink spear in her hand, ready to protect me at all costs.

"Sespin! You mad fool! What has gotten into you!?"

His crazy eyes jerked from me to her. "She's going to doom us all! She must be destroyed!!"

"What are you talking about!? She is going to save us!"

"No!! It's too late! She's not good enough! And never will be! We must serve under the other side to survive!"

"We will never surrender to them Sespin! Have you truly gone insane!?"

He growled, moving closer, but stop when Quesia raised her spear. "Are you going to go against the kings orders of Aquema staying safe at all times. If you kill her, you will be doomed a thousand deaths more than the enemies."

He thought this over, and finally surged away, admitting his defeat, but not before one last snarl cast at me.

"Aquema? Are you alright?"

She must have seen my dazed and confused look as she turned to face me now that the old fish was gone.


"Come on. We need to have a talk."

She led me straight to my room in the kingdom. I guess she knows this place really well since she lived in it for along time, while her father was king.

"Ok. Now, I know your probably really confused. So let's start this off simple. What's the first thing you want to know?"

That was easy.

"Who is he?"

"Well, Sespin is the keeper of the scroll. Well, more like scrolls. He guards then, and reads everything in them."

"What are the scrolls?"

"There is one magical scroll with powers given from the very first king who founded this city, his name was Aquaris. The scroll foretells simple details of things, and writes the past. After a king passes away, or is no longer king, his scroll tears off his history. And that smaller scroll is stored in the hall of scrolls. Then a new king comes in, and his scroll has begun to form. And me being one of the past kings relative, I know that you were mentioned or had a part in every king's time. Whether they knew it or not."

"Wow. Why does he want me dead?"

"I don't even know! He was here through all of it! The vision, foretelling, everything! He knows you are meant to save us! Not destroy us! I swear he has gone madder than a crab. He is insane. It began about three years ago. He talks nonsense, and acts strange too. At one point, he almost got a king to give half the city away for Eerogs. Who even knows why he would want to do that! Oh, and he's a coward. A major coward. All he has ever wanted in a battle is to surrender and let everyone be submitted to the enemy as servants!"

"Yikes... How on earth can he still be in his job when he has done all that!?"

"People still think he is good. They usually don't know anything is going on when Sespin acts up. I tell you, he certainly picks the right place and time where no one will see or hear him that he doesn't want to. He also keeps his behavior off of the scrolls. Which it is completely illegal to change anything on the scrolls. I caught him changing it once when I was 9. But everyone thought I was just playing a game. And I was too young to press charges, so he got off the hook. But he still hates me and I can't say I feel any different towards him."

"That's just messed up. We need to find a way to get him out of there."

"Your darn right."

"Oh, there's one more thing.. Who are the enemies? I mean.. I'm in your city, and I see no destruction or anything showing any signs that this place needs saved."

She got an uncertain and worried look on her face. "Um... That's not for me to say..."


"Yeah. Well I'd better get going.."

"Quesia!" I swam up to her and stopped her as she began to swim out. "Spend the night? I haven't had a sleepover with a friend in a long time. And I promise I won't ask you anything more about the enemies."

It only took her a second to think it over.

"Ok. Yay!"

She spun around in an excited circle, barely avoiding knowing over a glass stool.

Now this, is the Quesia I know.

"Ooooh! We are gonna have so much fun! I know just where they keep roasted clams in the kingdom's kitchen!"

"Haha! Sounds delicious!"

"Oh they are you will just love them!"

"Well let's get going!"

"Oh yes we mu-" she stopped short and stared past me.

I turned around. Where the curtain and pillars are, a thick blue marble wall was sliding in place, blocking any view outside.

"It's getting dark..." I could barely hear Quesia whisper to herself. At least I think she said it...

"We have to go. Now." Quesia's voice suddenly turned deep and serious.

She grabbed my hand and was just beginning to tug me along, when it happened.

I have never heard something so horrible and evil in all of my life.

From somewhere out side of the kingdom, I heard it.

Quesia had frozen, knowing that it is too late to avoid it.

Something sounding like it was pounding on glass.

And something else...

Something was squealing.

It is screaming.

High pitched eerie screaming.

Screaming the call of death.



Is this anoooooother clifhanger I have done?? Mwhahaha I'm just that mean. ;p

Haha, don't worry, my awesome fish people! This is a really short chapter, so I am updating TWICE tonight!

I'm working on a second bit right now!







Oh, did I mention VOTE? Hehe



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