Aquaris 14

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"What would you like miss?" The kind woman standing behind the counter smiled friendly like.

We are in some sort of ice cream shop. It's walls are like pink pearly marble. Shells so large, I have never seen any this size before, hung on the walls as decoration. 'Shelley's Shellcones' is engraved, and glowing on the wall behind the counter. On the left wall is a bar with red stools, and on the right, tables. Behind glass in front of the cashier counter, is atleast twenty different flavors of ice cream. Or, shell cream. It looks just like ice cream. But the names are foreign to me.

Starlegon, pinaboil, octalis, coramus, spongon, and more. What are these things? Such weird names....

"Starlegon, and merimos please." I chose the ones that resembled vanilla, and chocolate.

"Coming right up!"

"You're going to love shell cream Aquema. It's so yummy!" Quesia squealed, still showing excitement from actually being with, and talking to, Darlis.

"On land, I had something similar. It's called ice cream. It's so good! I hope this is just as good!"

"I bet it's even better!"

"Here you go." The woman handed us our shell cream. It is in those cone shaped shells you would find on the beach, accept larger.

Wow. This is really cool.

"This ones on me." Lankris smiled at me.

I couldn't help but blush. Ugh. Why must I always blush?

"Jee thanks Lankris!" Darlis piped up and slightly elbowed his friend.

Lankris rolled his eyes, amused. "No problem."

He laid out four pearls on the counter. The lady took them and set them in what seemed to be a cash register, with a 'thank you.'

I guess pearls are money down here. Interesting.

We took a seat at one of the tables.

I examined my shell cream. It looks just like soft serve ice cream. It smells like it too.

I suddenly notice Quesia, Lankris, and Darlis, all leaning over the table, starring at me.

"What?" I ask warily.

"Taste it already!" Quesia burst.

Ooooh, right. I bring my shell cream close to my mouth. Then I glance up and them again. Haha they look so serious but so funny.

I carefully take one lick.

Darlis leans forward more. "Well? How is it?"

I randomly start laughing, unable to reply.

Darlis, Quesia and Lankris are looking back and forth from each other to me.

"Do you think it's some kind of weird reaction to the shell cream?" Lankris asked Darlis.

"I don't know... Maybe...."

Of course this just made me laugh harder.

And of course I have to take full advantage of this priceless moment.

I suddenly make myself gasp. And calmly stare straight ahead, as if I am in some sort of trance.

I hear Quesia gasp.

"Aquema? Are you alright?" Darlis's worried voice was too much. It made me crack and burst out laughing again.

When I finally sobered up, I took a moment to soak in their confused faces.

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