Aquaris 26

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"WAAAAAAKKEEYYY WAAAKKEEEYY FISHYY CAKKEEYY!!!" Axarion called in a high pitched voice.

I groaned and rolled over, ignoring the big loaf I was about to turn into a fish stick if he yelled once more.

All was quiet, so I silently hoped that meant he had left. But then I felt something... wet on my cheek. (Wetter than the water of course.)

I felt it again, and I sprung up, freaked out about what was on my face! "WHAT IS THAAAAT!?!?!?! WHAT IS ON MY FACE!?!?!" I screeched so loud I probably deafened half the city.

Axarion was laughing a few feet away. And I mean, ROFLAMAAMKC-ing!: Rolling On The Floor Laughing As Much As A Mermaid King Can.

Sorry I'm a white-mer. I know text talk.

His cackling made me want to shove a shark down his throat. But since there weren't any around to be seen, I just stuck to starring at him with disproval. "You still have yet to tell me what is still on my face."

Between laughs, he managed to say, "Look for yourself."

I awkwardly glanced down, trying to see my left cheek. Which wasn't too hard seeing there was a LONG BROWN FISH WITH EXTREMELY EMOTION-FILLED GIANT EYES STUCK WITH IT'S MOUTH TO MY FACE.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFFF!!!!!!!!" I screamed, causing the fish to get excited and start wiggling.

This of course only made Axarion laugh harder. I swear someday when I can get my hands on a shark....

"Axarion." I monotonly said.


"Would you kindly get this creepy fish that is still starring at me, off on my face... BEFORE I STAB YOU WITH A SWORDFISH!?!?!?!?!?!"

His eyes slightly widened. "Alright alright. No need to get feisty."

I scowl. "There's a fish on my face."

"I know." He winks and comes over to pry it off me.

The fish gently releases and swims around my head.

"Uhh.. What is it doing?..." I question.

Axarion chuckles. "He's a very loyal breed. I think he likes you."

I roll my eyes. "Oh great. Just what I need. A creepy pair of eyes that are gonna watch me sleep at night and suck my face. Sounds like a stalker boyfriend."

"Nah, boyfriends bring the girl food. This little guy will only poop in your room."

"Well this just keeps getting better and better." I sighed. "What type of fish is this anyway?"


"Ohh. That explains those eyes. And the obsession with face licking- or... sucking."

"That it does. So ya wanna keep em?" Axarion smiled.

I look over at the dogfish intently. His eyes do give him something about him... Something that makes him look rather cute actually. "Hmm.... I guess. Maybe I can train him to not suck my face."

Axarion laughed. "That'll be the day. If you can accomplish that, you can do anything."

"I'll let you know when I succeed." I said in all seriousness.

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