chapter thirty-six

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I'll choose you, Summer.
I'll choose you, Summer.
I'll choose you, Summer.
I'll choose—

"Ugh! You're ignoring me again, Bennett!" Mila groans, bringing me back to earth. The mall, to be specific.

I snap my eyes to her, while she helps me keep balance on my feet. It doesn't hurt anymore, but it still difficult to walk, and I should not put pressure on them. "I was not— I was just looking at..." I look around, searching for something, anything– Ha! There it is! "That! Look how pretty that dress is, you're going to love it."

She follows my gaze, to the pretty black dress in one of the stores, and when her face lights up I promise myself I'd thank the universe for placing that dress in front of me, when I was daydreaming about my (not) date with Willow.
It's been three days since I last saw her, since we had coffee together at my aunt's coffee shop, and we talked about everything and nothing at the same time. Three days since her words keep ringing inside my brain— I'll choose you, Summer.
Three days since I saw those pretty green eyes, three days since we text nonstop, but she's always busy with work and school, just as I'm busy with my therapists. Today— one of my free days—the perfect day to see Willow—, Mila showed up at my house and demanded I joined her shopping for her birthday party, which happens to be on Halloween, and we are only five days away from October 31st.
And here we are, going on circles around this mall, searching for her perfect outfit. I haven't decided what to wear yet, because I'm preparing myself to ask Willow to come with me— and if she says yes, I'll trick her into some couple costumes. Not because we're a couple— of course not, we are definitely not a couple. Just two friends who kiss sometimes, a lot of times actually, but that's it. And—

"Bennett, I lost you again." Mila snaps her fingers in front of my face. "I swear, if you wanted to stay at home, you could've just told me."

I shake my head, feeling like a shitty friend. "No, no. I'm sorry. I'm here. I'm sorry. What were you saying?" my cheeks flush.

She huffs, rolling her bright eyes at me, and my heart squeezes inside my chest— I'm the worst friend ever. "What's your costume? Y'know, I won't let you put on the same outfit as last year. That was terrible."

I smack her arm, ignoring the playful smile on her lips. "You bitch! What's wrong with Jo March?"

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with her." she says, rubbing the skin I just hit. "But— that was not sexy, like, at all. We need to get you something sexy, kinda slutty— like me." she throws her hair over her shoulder, confident about her words, and I laugh.

"I don't want anything... slutty. I don't know what I'm wearing yet."

Her eyes widen, and a small gasp leaves her mouth. "Summer Bennett! Are you bringing a date?" my cheeks turn red as she smiles. "Ohhhh! Tell me! Are you over Willow? You never told you what happen— Oh. My. God." her jaw drops. "You're bringing Willow. Willow is your date. Oh, my god. Oh, my god!"

My eyes widen, as I look around the people surrounding us. "Shhh!" I place a hand over her mouth. "Shut up! Are you crazy? Everyone just heard you!"

She snaps my hand away. "Who cares? Oh, my god. I'm so excited! This is exciting! My best friend has a new girlfriend, awww!" she pouts, looking extremely ridiculous.

"She's not my girlfriend. We're just friends, we're getting to know each other a little more— That's all." that is not all, at all. My heart flutters at the thought of her lips against mine. "She's just been there a lot for me, because of my injury."

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