chapter forty-two

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Mia and Luna waited two days to ask me if I was ready to come talk to them, they said 'the faster we do this, the faster it'll be all over.' I want that, I want to get this over with. Summer was probably right, I do need some closure in my life from my mother.
If I really want to be okay with myself I need to do this, and God knows I will never be able to do this alone. I don't know what I've done to deserve this family helping me, but I will give them everything back— even if I'm debt with them forever.

Mia wanted me to tell them everything that my mother did to me again, but with a lawyer present this time—Her brother is our lawyer, apparently he's the best in the continent— Summer held my hand the entire time as I retold the story I told Mia just two days ago. Mia didn't want Summer there, she knew her daughter wasn't going to be able to handle it, but I needed her and she did. She let silent tears fall from her eyes as I talked, squeezing my hand so hard so I stayed in the present and not trapped inside my memories.
Mia's brother–Theo– asked a lot of questions that I was not comfortable with but I knew they were necessary, I answered every single one of them.
I don't think I've ever cried so much in my entire life, but I let it all out. Everything. I cried for the little girl who was scared of crying with noise, for the little girl who starved, for the little girl who never knew what love felt like. I cried and this family that I've only known for three months held me like I was one of them.

I wipe the tears off my face with the back of my hand and reach to the coffee table for a tissue as I wait for Summer's moms, they are saying goodbye to Theo, after spending almost five hours here.
We talked about so much stuff– or rather I talked and they listened, Theo asked questions and told me to do a lot of legal things that scare me a little, but Mia promised to help me.

My head goes up when I notice my girl coming back to the room, her eyes red and puffy from all the crying. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

She shakes her head as she walks to me, wrapping her arms around my waist when our bodies collide. She hides her face on the crook of my neck, her warm tears fall on me but I couldn't care less. I hug her so tightly that I'm afraid I'm going to break her. Summer's body jerks in my arms with her sobs, I let my own tears fall, but this time because I feel safe, because I feel someone cares about me, I feel her and I want her to know that I'm okay.
I'm holding my entire world in my arms right now. I'm okay, Sums. Stop crying.

"I'm so sorry." her voice breaks between sobs. "I'm— I don't–"

"Shh." I run my fingers through her waves, leaning to whisper against her ear. "I'm okay, I'll be okay. Don't cry, princess."

"I just— I can't believe you— God!" she shakes her head, groaning her words. "You were a baby! You were—"

"Shh, princess." I place my lips softly on her cheek. "It's going to be okay."

"I'm supposed to be comforting you." she cries, hugging me tighter.

A smile forms on my lips for the first time in the evening. "You are. You always are."

Summer leaves her place on my neck and looks up at me with those big eyes. Her cheeks are flushed from all the crying, but she still looks so beautiful. How is that possible? She frowns, pouting her lips. "I want to kill her."

A small chuckle leaves my lips at her words. Adorable. "Yeah, well. Get in line."
My heart freezes for a moment when I listen to the voice that didn't come from me nor Summer, eyes widening when I notice her moms walking into the living room again, finding me hugging their daughter. Oh, my god.
To my surprise, Summer steps back first, giving me a soft smile after wiping the tears off her cheeks. I swallow loud focusing my gaze on the older women— Did they see anything? What do they think? Are they mad? We weren't doing anything wrong in theory— they all hugged me, but Summer, god, everything is different with her, and I don't want to ruin anything.

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