[ 016 ] - Little Wolf.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter - Jonathan's photos, bullying/harassment, Steve still being a douche (but we still love that for him🤭), Tommy and Carol, blood, Mikah's episode, broken bones..


"What about that one?" Mikah asks pointing to the one Steve still held in both confusion and curiosity. "Well, that would be one of you" Steve states and hands the picture over to Mikah and Nancy who look down at the new picture.

On the picture was Mikah being helped to get dressed by Nancy and Steve.

What it looked like though was that they were having some type of three-way by the way you could just about see Steve's head near Mikah's front from when Steve helped him change out of his jeans and into something more comfy and you could see Nancy standing close to Mikah mid-way through helping Mikah take his jumper off.

It looked wrong,

Mikah felt wrong looking at it but didn't fully understand why.

"See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but.. that's the thing about perverts. It's hardwired into them. You know, they just can't help themselves." Steve says as he mockingly wipes invisible dirt off Jonathan's shoulders before he rips up the photos, except the one Nancy was holding and the one Mikah was holding.

"We'll just have to take away his toy" Steve states throwing the ripped up photos into the air as Mikah watched them fall while his fists clenched while he was at war with himself.

The photos made him think back to the lab, the camera's that Dr. Brenner had installed to keep an eye on all the test subjects to keep them in place.

It made him feel exposed and he hated that.

But, this was Jonathan.

Mikah's new brother, the one that had hit him with a car, yes.

But also, he's taking Mikah in, made him part of a real family and accepted the werewolf side and his i.e.d so he had to stick up for him right?

"No, please, not the camera" Jonathan says in a plead that reminds Mikah of himself pleading to Brenner about not hurting him back in the lab before the massacre.

Tommy instantly goes over to stop Jonathan from grabbing his camera back as Mikah glared at him which made Tommy step back slightly. "Tommy, Tommy.. it's okay. Here you go, man" Steve says holding the camera out towards Jonathan.

And just as Jonathan goes to grab it, Steve lets it go as it smashes into the floor, the glass breaking and the camera ruined.

Mikah clenches his first before swinging his arm towards Steve, who moves out the way as Mikah's fist hits Tommy hard, causing the Hagan boy's nose to break before Mikah's eyes glow yellow as he pounces onto Steve and punches him in the left eye hard, knowing it would leave a bruise.

Overcome with his rage, Mikah keeps punching at Steve, who's cowering under his grasp at the sight of Mikah's face changing, he had his werewolf teeth out as he lowly growled during every punch, his hands both had claws where his nails were and his face had shifted slightly to that of his werewolf side and his eyes still glowed yellow.

Steve just remained as still as possible as he watched Mikah growl at him continuing to punch Jonathan's car that was directly next to Steve's head as his anger kept consuming him.

Only Steve could see Mikah's new look, everyone else could just see the Mikah was enraged because the others stood watching silently, not sure what to do and Mikah's punches were too fast for them to notice the claws.

Though Jonathan could tell what was happening, of course.

"Little Wolf" Steve said weakly in a whisper up to him making Mikah pause as his claws disappear but the anger remained. "What?" Mikah said sternly as he looked down at Steve.

"Don't let this anger consume you. You can hate me, fuck I mean, I hate me too. Just, focus on me, okay?" Steve says in a whisper, hoping the others couldn't hear, which they didn't.

"Focus.. like an anchor.. to my humanity?" Mikah says remembering one of the lessons Brenner had taught him as he keeps his eyes trained on Steve's.

His face slowly shifts back to his normal one and his teeth go back to normal. "Uh, sure" Steve says in slight confusion but he just wanted Mikah to get off him.

He'd deny it, but it felt nice to him how Mikah was sat over him.

"Thank you.." Mikah says slowly once he was back to normal completely. "Yeah, no problem..Dude.." Steve states as he looks away and gulps at the situation now.

"I still hate you" Mikah states as Steve nods while watching Mikah get off him and walk back to Jonathan, embarrassed.

"Sorry, it consumed me" Mikah whispers to Jonathan who gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Come on.. let's go. The games about to start" Steve states as he stands back up holding his hand over his hurt eye and heads back towards the school, followed by Tommy, who was holding his broken nose, Carol, Nicole and then a reluctant Nancy.

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