[ 018 ] - No Face.

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Trigger warnings for this chapter - coffins, demogorgan mention, sex mention, death mention..


"Mum, will you get in?" Jonathan calls to Joyce who's walking down the path as Jonathan drives his car near her while Mikah sits in the back. "No, I- I need to think. Just go on home" Joyce says stuttering as Mikah could tell she was still taking in the information she'd just learned about the fake body.

"Mum, will you just get in, please?" Jonathan calls to her again before stopping and parking the car to rush after her as she kept walking and Mikah decides to follow him.

Jonathan runs over to Joyce and Mikah follows in suit reluctantly as Jonathan manages to stop Joyce from walking while Mikah finally catches up to him, because fuck running.

"Just go home, Jonathan. Take Mikah with you" Joyce says sternly as Jonathan argues back to her. "No, this is not an okay time for you to shut down. We have to deal with this, Mum. We have to deal with the funeral!" Jonathan says trying his best to get Joyce to understand as he holds back tears.

"The funeral? For... for who? For that thing back there?" Joyce scoffs as Mikah sighs slowly as he tunes out the fight as he notices people watching them as he glares at them.

"I am going to find him and bring him home!" Joyce says raising her voice which makes Mikah snap back as he watches her start to walk away.

"Yeah, well, while you're talking to the lights, the rest of us are having a funeral for Will! I'm not letting him sit in that freezer another day!" Jonathan yells back at her as Mikah puts a comforting hand to Jonathan's shoulder.

Finally noticing the people, Jonathan says a quick "all right, shows over" in a shaky voice as he heads back to his car, Mikah silently following behind him.


"It's made of sorf wood with a crepe interior.. uh, now, I.. I don't know what your budget is, but over here, we.. we have copper and bronze" Mikah could here a man talk to Jonathan as they looked at coffins while Mikah stood by the door, he hated the smell of this place.

"Nancy?" Mikah said noticing the girl enter the building slowly. "Hey, Mikah" Nancy spoke gently, giving him a small smile as Jonathan walked over to them.

"Hey" Jonathan says to Nancy. "Hey. Your mum, um.. said you'd both be here. I just.. can I talk to you both for a second?" Nancy asks as all three of them make their way to a separate corridor where Nancy and Jonathan sat down in chairs that are next to each other as Mikah stands next to Nancy.

Mikah looks down at the picture of Barb that Nancy had stuck back together which some creature in the back that you could slight see.

He remembered how Brenner had told him about how there was creatures from a different place that looked like that.

He didn't get why Brenner had told him about it or why he tried to keep Mikah away from knowing more about the creatures, but just like most things-

he'd shrugged it off as nothing.

"It looks like it could be some kind of perspective distortion, but I wasn't using the wide angle. I don't know. It's weird" Jonathan tells them as he looks at the photo too before handing it back to Nancy.

"And you're sure you didn't see anyone else there?" Nancy asks as Jonathan replies with a simple 'no'. "Not that you asked, but, my heightened senses didn't pick up anything... except you and Steve having sex" Mikah states with a smirk as he knows Jonathan like Nancy and he knows that embarrassed her too.

"Sorry, Mikah" Nancy says embarrassed as Mikah waves it off. "And she was there one second and then, um.. gone. I figured she bolted" Jonathan says getting back to the topic as he glances at Mikah, who smiles at him innocently.

"The cops say that she ran away. But, they didn't know Barb.. and I went back to Steve's.. and I thought I.. saw something" Nancy explains slowly as she gets quieter.

"Like a creature?" Mikah asks as they both look up at him. "A weird man or.. creature?.. I don't know what it was. I'm sorry. I.. I shouldn't have come here today. I'm.. I'm so sorry" Nancy says as she stands up suddenly as both Byers look at her confused.

"What's he look like? This man you saw in the woods." Jonathan asks her making Nancy stop and look back at them.

"I don't know. It was almost like he... he didn't have-" Nancy states explaining as Jonathan cuts her off, "didn't have a face?"

Mikah just looks at him making a disgusted face as his nose crinkles.

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